Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

U.S. media reports that US Secretary of State Brillin is about to visit mainland China and may talk to President Xi Jinping. Brincken's trip will determine whether U.S. -China relations can stop and stabilize.Since the Trump administration launched a trade war in China in 2018, US -China relations have continued to deteriorate, and each other's trust has been low, forming a comprehensive strategic competition situation, especially in the military field.If the two parties intentionally avoid the tension relationship, they must face reality pragmatically, restore the normal operation of the relationship between the two sides, and at least temporarily deal with sensitive issues such as Taiwan issues.

Avoid stimulating the mainland in the United States

The United States intends to reduce the tension with China, but the cross -strait issues will not cool down automatically. It can be expected that the Bayeng government's speech and action on the Taiwan issue will turn low -key and prudent to avoid stimulation and provocation of the mainland.Taiwan generally recognizes the United States to support the DPP, but AIT chairman Rosen Berg visited Taiwan and publicly announced that "the United States will not choose the side stations in the Taiwan election, and it also opposes external forces to interfere in Taiwan elections."Rosen Berg's schedule is very high, and it is indeed not favored by candidates for the presidential presidential party and the opposition party. It is not only to Taiwan, but also to the mainland's position to the United States.Police news.

In this wave of seeking improvements, the United States plays an active role. The mainland is relatively passive and even refuses to restore the US -China military communication dialogue, which has led to the break of the two countries' defense ministers.Recently, the military layout of the United States and China in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea is compared with the operations. The short troops of warships and military aircraft have been connected many times.Blingken's visit at this moment may meet with Xi Jinping. It may be temporarily released by the conflict, but it is expected that the US -China relations will enter a frank road. Taiwan is safe and worry -free, obviously unrealistic.

Bynden government frequently releases positive information to China, such as emphasizing that the United States never seek conflict with China and confronts China, and unintentionally obstructing China's economic development and progress; the G7 summit "Hiroshima Vision" and stating that they do not seek to decume decoustals with the Chinese economy.In the "de -risk"; the White House spokesman Kurbi bluntly said that one of the reasons for Bronken to want to visit is to discuss whether the communication mechanism of the two armies can be re -opened.

The United States and China do not want the competition to get out of control. Military conflicts that both sides cannot bear. The international community also welcomes the stability of US -China relations and is conducive to the world situation. In additionIn the case, Brinken restored the trip to China, which was originally going to be in February, and said that Biden and Xi Jinping "met at some time" conforming to the interests of both parties, but compared with the past, the interaction of the United States and China has changed subtle changes.

"Respect for each other, live peacefully, and win -win cooperation" is the highest principle of dealing with the relationship between the mainland government to deal with the United States.Determine the United States and China Division to resist gifts, parallel competition.In addition, the Bayeng government has rarely mentioned the "guardrail" that has been actively advocated, and Singhdon, a scholar of the "Defending Democratic Foundation" of the Washington Think Tank, proposed that "the only language‘ mutual inferred 'in Beijing ’s real understanding.According to research by American experts and scholars and the State Department, the United States should propose a priority to deal with important issues such as US bonds, Ukraine War, fighting climate change, effective control of opium drugs, and ensuring that the shipping of Taiwan Straits is unimpeded and unimpeded.The intersection can bring immediately effect, and it is also a more effective operating mode.

Taiwan becomes a negotiation chip

U.S. -China relations are rooted in the wrongdoing, and the national interests and goals are very different. There are indeed obstacles to the two sides that are difficult to overcome.The United States has no intention of being surrounded by China. However, in the eyes of the mainland government, the United States and the Indo -Pacific region and European countries are to establish a global anti -China Alliance. Western countries shouCoordination platform of "economic stress".

The biggest disadvantage and conflict detonation point in the United States and China is Taiwan.In March last year, when I worshiped the video call, Biden proposed "Four Disadfines". In November, I learned the first physical dialogue.Taiwan independence, two China, one and one Chinese, one, etc., but the Chinese side believes that the United States has not changed its "Taiwan to China", and continues to hollow out and blur the policy of China. This is also one of the main reasons for Beijing to refuse to restore the dialogue between the two armies.

In the process of recovering high -level communication between the United States and China, the issue of Taiwan must be touched, but Beijing's position is more tough. The United States takes the free navigation of the Taiwan Strait to avoid global trade.question.If Taiwan is reduced to the chips and tools negotiated in the United States and China, it is true that it is true that the sorrow of Taiwanese is really lost.

The peace of Taiwan's peace is finally determined by the people on both sides of the strait. The DPP government "neither avoid danger nor avoids war", abandon strategy initiative, and fall into a passive dilemma. This is the most incompetent and irresponsible approach.