Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Tang Shaocheng

Following the visit to Saudi Arabia, the national security adviser Su Liwin, the National Security Consultant, a few days ago, the Secretary of State Brosky also visited the Saudi State for three days. It can be seen that the United States did intentionally recover the relationship with Saudi Arabia. Of courserelated.

In addition to meeting the actual leaders of the Saudi State, Salman Prince Salman Prince, view the issues discussed by Brinken and the Saudi State, including: Iran, Sudan, Islamic State, regional infrastructure, clean energy, and potential normalized sand country and the country and the potential normalized sand country and the country and the potential normalized sand country and the normally Sand country andThe relationship between Israel and so on.During the campaign of Biden in 2021, he accused the Saudi country of killing reporters and criticized Salman as a bitch, which led to a sudden turn.

Last fall, due to the reduction of oil in the Saudi country, it was conducive to Russia's oil prices. Biden intends to lobby Sausa ’s increasing production and visit him.In contrast, when Xi Jinping visited the Saudi Kingdom at the end of last year, it was unprecedentedly received, in sharp contrast to Biden, and reached a number of cooperation plans.As a result, after the mediation of Beijing, the relationship between the Sands and Iran thawed, which contributed a lot to the peaceful contribution to the Bay and the Middle East, and also strengthened China's position and influence in the local area.

At the time of visiting Brinkin, the leaders of the Sands and some Gulf countries have made it clear that they will not be forced to choose the side stations in international power struggles and are willing to accept improvement with all parties.The same view.At a joint press conference with Brinken, the Saudi government emphasized that China is the largest trading partner in Saudi Arabia, so there are naturally many interactions and intersections with China. This cooperation may increase, but it also intends to maintain security partners with the United Statesrelation.

A few days before Brinken's visit, the Saudi country ushered in Venezuela President Madro, and Maduro was regarded as an evil ruler by the United States.A few days later, the Sands plans to hold an important investment meeting with China, which shows the independent position of the Saudi country.

Yesterday, some media revealed that Brins will go to Beijing after the visit of the Saudi State, but neither China and the United States will not confirm.According to reports, Beijing is negotiating with Cuba to establish facilities in the United States locally to increase negotiating chips with the United States, but both the Middle Ages are also silent.However, due to the assistant Secretary of State Kerneblink, the assistant Secretary of State in Responsible for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, and the senior director of the National Security Council responsible for Mainland China and Taiwan's affairs, Bilan visited Beijing a few days ago.Nature is related to the visits of Brinken.

Because President Biden had mentioned the thawing of US -China relations a month ago, there were even unrelated news that Biden would be in the middle of June. It can be seen that US -China relations and gentleness are not groundless.Especially recently, the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao met with the US Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro and the US trade representative Dai Qi in the United States, but Beijing rejected the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu, and the request to meet at the Shangri -La dialogue held at the Shangri -La dialogue held in SingaporeIt can be seen that the bilateral relationship between the United States and China is still fragile.

Comprehensive view, although there are signs of gentle US -China relations at present, due to the game of the two sides, the limited interests and the basis of mutual trust are weak. To truly achieve the normalization of relations between the two countries, there is still a considerable way to go.

(the author is the dean of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Institute of Asia -Pacific)