Source: Nikkei Chinese Network

Author: Abezhe Ye

The Dow Jones Industrial Average continued to fall on May 31.This is not just a question of the upper limit of the US debt.China's economic indicators were lower than market expectations and the slowdown of global economic recovery also dragged down the market.

This is under the circumstances of the Sino -US conflict.Nevertheless, China is still an important factor that can change the world.Entrepreneurs worry more seriously.

"Morgan Chase will be in China, whether it is in the border or adversity," Jimoro's CEO (CEO) Jamie Dimon made such a sound when he visited Shanghai, China.

Jamie Dimon made such a speech in an economic activity hosted by JP Morgan Chase.The event brings together more than 2,500 executives from Chinese leading companies such as Baidu.Jamie Dimon's argument is very straightforward: "Let's stop deciring."

It can be said that this is a gorgeous change.

The person who leads the world's largest bank is known as the "Opinion Leader of Wall Street"."I dare to bet, Morgan Chase will last longer than the Chinese government", a controversial speech in November 2021 Jamie Dimon.

A person who claims to be "a patriot, and a free economic capitalist" quickly apologized.The voice in Shanghai this time was the maximum verbal commitment to China.

According to US media reports, at the same time, Morgan Stanley also held a Chinese investment event in Hong Kong.It seems that Wall Street has begun to approach China again without control.There is an obvious motivation, that is, the business of the parent country, especially the investment banking business is struggling.

Affected by the rapid interest rate hike and the turbulence of the financial market in the United States, this is not conducive to the underwriting of stocks and bonds, as well as providing consultation such as consulting.In addition, a new uncertain factor was added: the closure of Bank of America.Even Morgan Chase, led by commercial banks, could not get rid of management concerns. Its stock price has shown 5%in the past three months, far lower than the 5%increase of the S & P 500 shares index.

It is not limited to Wall Street to make a statement in China.Since March, senior managers of leading companies such as Apple, Qualcomm, and Tesla have visited China, and Starbucks.These companies are highly dependent on China, and under the influence of high inflation, they are trying to make up for the stagnation of its US business.

These trends are related to the changes in China's attitude towards China.In terms of relationships with China, the Bayeng government said "not decoupled, but risks" since this spring. "The United States has shrunk business activities through excessive implementation of export control.This criticism is spreading in the United States, and its expectations and pressure on reconciliation with China are also growing rapidly.

The question is whether Sino -US relations will really begin to improve, and whether China has become a long -lasting investment target, which is not easy to optimistic.

"Enterprises should cut off their connections with China", Professor Jeffrey Sonanfield of Yale University in the United States said.

Due to US tariffs and regulations, China's labor costs have risen sharply, and related costs have increased sharply.For example, the production cost of rare earth in North America is getting lower and lower.Due to the decline in birth rate and aging population, the prospects of China's economy are not sure.Professor Jeffrey Sonanfield said: "Many companies have expanded Chinese business because of inertia and short -term thinking, rather than faith."

China will not be convinced in principle or ideology.At the same time, the U.S. Congress did not weaken tough stance.If the Republican Trump or De Santis comes to power, I don't know when or if it will be reversed.

In the end, the United States and China lacked a decisive motivation to reach compromise.Although the pockets of both sides are a bit tight, it is difficult to retreat from an epic endurance competition.U.S. companies close to China cannot continue to boost bad news in the US stock market.