Source: Ming Pao

Author: Guan Zhongran

The sexual harassment scandal of Taiwan has become bigger and bigger. Since the former DPP party workers posted on the Internet last week, after telling the victims and sounding the "first shot", other victims who have been injured by similar sexual harassment, alsoThe courage to confess one after another, which has a great impact on the entire political ecology of Taiwan, whether it is workplace (political party) culture or future election politics.

The "#Metoo" campaign of Taiwan's political circles this time, with the DPP as the hardest hit area (as more and more victims stand up, also gradually spread to the Kuomintang), the plot and passage of the incident, as recently hot with the recent hotThe plots of the people in Taiwan's political drama are very similar.Similar places are in addition to sexual harassment, but also the "cold treatment" of political parties on sexual harassment complaints, just like the party secretary of the play in the play, shelter the victims everywhere, and blame the victims to form formedTwo or three damage to the victim.

Such a huge scandal broke out, and naturally disappointed voters. As the storm is still fermenting, it undoubtedly brings a lot of great variables to the elections held early next year;Another darkness (in the past feels political darkness, more concentrated in black gold politics).However, from a positive point of view, this storm may bring reforms to gender equality in the future politics workplace.

The DPP's embarrassment is the most disappointing.In just a few days after the storm, Lai Qingde, Cai Yingwen, Zhuo Rongtai and other current and former DPP chairman have publicly apologized and acknowledged that these incidents during the chairman were difficult to blame.Essence

But the reality is that these sexual harassment incidents did not happen these days. These political leaders are righteous today, and compare the cold treatment of these complaints about these complaints.Word.Lai Qingde said, "We won't turn around and leave, let alone that's it." So why did you "just count it"?The full name of the Democratic Progressive Party is the value of the Democratic Progressive Party, which is the value of "progress". It is often when elected. The list of legislative members who emphasizes the party has a higher proportion of women, or that Tsai Ing -wen is the female party chairman; but butIn fact, it turned out to be "selling dog meat to sell dog meat". How can I serve the crowd?How to get voters support?

In the appeal of the first party worker, after mentioning his sexual harassment, he reportedly reported that Xu Jiatian, director of the Women's Department of the Party Central Committee at the time (later promoted to the Deputy Secretary -General of the DPP, and resigned after the incident was revealed); butXu Jiatian’s reply is: "So? What do you want me to do?" The DPP had dealt with these incidents and complaints.It is believed that the scandal can be suppressed through the inequality of power, just like the plot of the candidate. Before the election, you must "focus on the overall situation".However, the reality is that Taiwan holds an election every two years, and it will always be the overall situation, and the victims must endure forever.

Of course, this bag shelter attitude is a big mistake. Any event is "individual cases". It also means that if the DPP can be dealt with seriously, investigate and restore the truth of the incident, it may lead to a little storm, but this isAs the basic responsibility of the Party Central Committee and political leaders, let alone this can truly show the value of political parties, but it has a bonus effect.

Choose indulgence and shelter, and think that it can be properly handled. This is really stupid and poor. There are no public relations skills and cannot find the value of progress.The paper bag cannot be opened, and today the incident is finally public. The embarrassment of the political parties has also increased geometrically; and it cannot be forgotten that the victim has suffered greater harm because of the irresponsibility of the political party. This is the DPP leader.The most difficult part of the layer.

This sexual harassment scandal is the most noteworthy that the atmosphere of Taiwan's political workplace in the future will usher in real changes.As more and more victims say their own experience, this reflects that these "individual cases" are not individual at all.One after another political figure (of course, including other sectors), it seems that serious lag and mistakes appear in culture and value, and their personal behavior is not inspected.The only positive result of the incident is that the victim has the courage to tell the incident, and this has a lot to do with the role of popular culture.

People who have no choice, the victims will probably not have the courage to say it.When the first party worker of the first Democratic Progressive Party issued an article on the Internet, it mentioned that "at that time," the person who held the banner of women's rights and interests at the time did not become my Weng Wenfang, I would be my own Weng Wenfang "—— Weng Wenfang was the victim in the play to be killed by the victim.The role of party worker is upright.It is such a character and a plot that gives the victim the courage to tell his similar experience.At the same time, a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and other victims were encouraged to tell their own stories.When the reality is so similar to the fictional plot, it naturally attracts greater response and makes people have greater dissatisfaction with reality.

From the development of the incident these days, more people will involve it.Although the storm began to spread to the Kuomintang (such as the Kuomintang legislator and the former county magistrate of Hualien, Fu Kunzheng, accused of sexual assault), the Ministry of Civil Entry Party has always been the protagonist of this incident. Compared with the traditional conservative Kuomintang, it is disappointing and unexpected.The degree is far beyond other opponents.This means that the DPP's elections will face a great test after half a year.

For the DPP, "fortunately" is that in addition to slowly involving the Kuomintang, other well -known people are also charged, including Democratic Games Wang Dan and exile writer Beiling.The attention of the public.However, the image of the Democratic Progress Party has not improved at all.Since it is not progressing, how can the DPP persuade the people to continue support?

Last year's local election, the DPP was defeated. At that timeVoters do not need to "vote with tears", and may not have a big warning to the future president and legislators elections.

However, in the past half a year, the DPP will change the dynasty. Lai Qingde was welcomed as Cai Yingwen's voters (especially the younger generation). At this time, such a big sexual harassment scandal was revealed.Even if you know the importance of the election, is it willing to be more aggrieved and more tears to continue supporting the DPP?Voters do not support the DPP, they do not mean that they will switch to the Kuomintang camp, or they may switch to other small parties, or they simply do not vote.When the Democratic Progressive Party cannot urge its supporters to vote, the results of the local elections last year may repeat it at any time.

For the DPP, next year's presidential election is a "three -headed carriage", which was already a tough battle, but now it seems that when the entire party has a major crisis, the legislator elections are also difficult.

This time, from the party's central government's complaint to the decision to suppress the incident, this often involves the collective decision obtained from the participation of different characters in political parties. No politician can be in the event.This also means that the opponent of the election can use this issue to attack any Democratic Progressive Character.If the biggest issue of this election is gender equality rather than cross -strait relations, this is probably not what the DPP wants to see today.