Source: United Daily News

Hou Youyi won the Kuomintang's recruitment to compete for the 2024 election. One week later, the newspaper's polls showed that his original leading support actually fell to the second, and 5%of the supporters turned into no expression.To make matters worse, after another week, according to different media polls, its support fell again, which was not only close to Ke Wenzhe, but even overtaked by him.Although this is a short -term phenomenon, due to the influence of Guo Taiming's supporters that has not yet returned, it can also be seen that the Hou team and the Party Central Committee lack integration.If the situation does not try to improve, Hou Youyi may be beaten to weak, and the Blue Army can only prepare to continue to be the opposition party.

Observing Hou Youyi's recent activities, he has launched the "Journey to the Energy" north and south of Taiwan.people.At the same time, he also made a special trip to visit the Pingtung County Speaker Zhou Dian, which was said to be said to dismantle Zhu Lilun's "cattle ghost snake god".In addition, he was asked about the issue of "many death sentences waiting for the gun". He bluntly opposed the abolition and said that "what to do is never waiting"; he also relying on Qingde to talk about the change of the non -nuclear wind of the green camp, emphasizing that nuclear energy is his option.

Looking at the above -mentioned benefit itinerary, Hou Youyi will remove the performance of "honoring horses, heavy management, and respect for the king", and it is also intended to highlight the support of his predecessors in the party and cross the "elite" portal.EssenceThese can of course play a little role.The problem is that when Hou Youyi failed to bring out more elaborate or moving stories during the meeting, he seemed to be in a form, and he may not be able to bring too much impression to the public.In particular, Hou Youyi currently needs to show the cooperative relationship the most. Guo Taiming and South Korea ’s Yu are most important, but their teams have been unable to meet for some reason, leaving the outside world to leave a lot of concerns about the unity of the Blue Camp.Let supporters have doubts, this should be the main reason for Hou Youyi's support.

Hou Youyi started to worship the elders and predecessors in the party, and also showed a problem: his campaign strategy is too traditional and old.His team did not know that Hou Youyi had started late, and his most powerful demand was actually the general public.However, Hou Youyi's performance in this regard is obviously insufficient.Today's election campaigns pay attention to the three lines of the sea and land, but the Hou team is still focused on the traditional worship of the elders in the party. It is no wonder that ordinary voters cannot feel his heat and charm.

Looking at it further, Hou Youyi's image is the most prominent with hard work and strong execution. At the same time, because he has always been politically, he is accepted by ordinary voters.However, in the past half a month, its team has not played in this strength, and has not made a strong call to the general public.On the contrary, he mentioned that he opposed the abolition and was distorted into "the death of all death sentences when he came to power" because he was not clear enough.Such murderousness, of course, will also make some voters stop.He emphasized that "nuclear energy is my option", and Gu Neng hit the Cai government to rake it, but immediately triggered the anti -lip of the Green Camp to the "no dry storage license";The team did not debate.Such confrontation can only be regarded as tie.

Hou Youyi's polls fall into a downturn, mainly because of the loss of focusing on the election strategy, unable to consolidate the original supporters, and cannot attract the hearts of neutrality and watching voters.The outside world has also noticed that Hou Youyi's team is still the team at the city -level person and horses, and has not yet been integrated with the auxiliary team of the Party Central Committee. In this case, manpower, thinking, and pattern seem to be in a low mobilization state.The reason is whether the Hou team wants to independently lead, or the two sides still have a knot or disagreement, and people are unknown.But in any case, with such a loose and inefficient warfare, Hou Youyi's war situation may be difficult to improve.

Hou Youyi faced Su Zhenchang and Lin Jialong in the past two years in the two mayors of New Taipei, both achieved overwhelming victories, showing that his governance ability was trusted.However, today's campaign is a national level. The matters to be challenged are not only political achievements, but also concepts, values, and national identity. It is not only the law and order, but also the generals of the economy, education, internal affairs, diplomacy, cross -strait, etc.Hou Youyi's campaign team will integrate with the Party Central Committee as soon as possible, and the more he can respond to the overall situation as soon as possible.