With the increasing influence of China's affairs in Central Asia, West Asia, and the Middle East, China's influence in global affairs has gradually risen, but China and the United States will follow in the Indo -Pacific region.Fighting.Whether the United States can continue to maintain the global domineering status and whether it will decline, whether China can achieve sustainable national rise and check -out in the United States. The final finals are not in Central Asia and West Asia, in the Middle East and AfricaEurope, in India.The Indo -Pacific region and Indo -Pacific Affairs will be an important competition in the global future economy, politics, diplomacy and military fields.

Sino -US will redefine its global status through the finals in the Indo -Pacific region, and will also significantly affect the global development mechanism and order in the future.Both sides' game matters in India include: Taiwan issue, the South China Sea issue, the development view of the Asian seas, the global view of the development of the Asianan country, and the development relationship between China and the United States, the development capabilities of India and the relationship between China and the United States, including Australia and theThe relationship between the Greater Oceania and China and the United States, including New Zealand.Among them, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the Asianianan will determine the final victory and losses of the Sino -US finals and the trend of Sino -US relations.

The United States is increasingly attaching an increasingly important relationship with the economic development and military cooperation with the ASEAN (ASEAN) countries.On March 23, the U.S. House of Representatives gave the Asian Dianda Relations Act and gave the Asian Diplomacy Privilege and Rights, making it an international organization that enjoys the same status as the European Union and the African Union.This is an important action of the United States to explore or upgrade and the new cooperation pattern of Asians.

China and the United States, as a game between the rising power and the number one developed country, are inevitable and persistent in existing situations where human biological biological nature has not yet obvious evolution and upgrading.Unless this competition happens to the global war again, the victory or defeat is decided by military methods, and it is impossible to decide the results of the victory and defeat in the foreseeable next five or 10 years.The right path of the Sino -US competition should be that there are both games and cooperation, ignoring games or ignoring cooperation, they are not the right paths and reality of Sino -US relations.

Sino -US Athletic is essentially a difficult struggle about how to attract the global governance system.In the end, multi -poleization is temporary, and integration is an inevitable trend. In the future, the world will definitely move towards the sustainable operation of three -wheel drive and support under comprehensive democratic politics, social rule of law society, and market rules.The political philosophy of the system and related political system are just a wishful "stubborn" in the long river of human history.On the one hand, the pursuit of economic integration, on the other hand, advocates political multi -polarization, which itself is neither realistic nor conforming to the underlying logic of things.

Politics is a practical discipline on the benign governance of human society. It should be constructed by social and political system in accordance with human nature, so that the majority of talents with social governance can easily enter the working platform serving the society, not convenient or convenient or easyIt can not prevent those who are just seeking power and gaining power, and they can delay the full realization of social development effectiveness.Scientific and politics must be based on the development mechanism that is equal to the integration and justice. The interests and politics are mainly driven by interests. It is a distortion and injury to scientific politics.It must be realized that at this stage of human society, there is a significant difference in regional and national governance and development quality between regions and countries.

With the enhancement of Finnish to join NATO and the Nordic countries, and the deployment and upgrading of the military forces in the Eastern Line and the Russian border in the Eastern Line, Russia has actually become a cricket in Russia.With the White Ross alliance, it has no help to significantly change Russia's security situation.In fact, the expansion of NATO does not mean the increase in security threats to Russia. The root cause of the problem lies in the development and security concept of Russia must be effectively changed.Otherwise, it will be difficult for Russia to escape the fate of continued decline in the overall cutting of the United States and Europe.The United States' systemic enclosure in Indo -Pacific will also affect China's direction and weight (change) of China's policy on Russia.

Putin fights against China's unity

If someone wants to support Putin's invasion of Ukraine and in exchange for the future support for unified military operations in China in China, this is a very naive "strategic" consideration.In fact, the Russian and Ukraine War has just created a serious international relationship disorder in China, and Putin has greatly deteriorated the basic international environment that China has completed the unity of the country and realized the rise of the nation.

The Russian invasion of Urotic War made the United States attach great importance to improving military equipment against Taiwan, so that the American allies and NATO can realize the outbreak of the Taiwan Strait War, including the implementation of military intervention, and target China's politics, economy, diplomacy, technology, etc.A series of schemes for sanctions.These pre -scripts are practical drills, inspections and improvement caused by the Russian and Ukraine War.The U.S. House of Representatives has even proposed that it is necessary to provide Taiwan with any required weapons including long -range missiles.In other words, if China needs to launch military operations against Taiwan, it will likely face a series of military intervention and sanctions after the actual exercise of the United States and allies through the Russian war environment.

According to the existing situation of the Russian and Ukraine War, it has caused the Third World War to date.At least at present, no country has clearly stated that it will assis Russia to invade Russia in substantive military operations.However, the author is trying to issue a major warning here. According to the reorganization and upgrade trend of the national alliances caused by the Russia and Ukraine War, it may already indicate that there will be such a assumed situation in the future -if China cannot complete the peace and unification of Taiwan peace, peace and unity of peacetime peace in TaiwanTo start military operations against Taiwan, it may cause such a situation of the human century war situation: China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are one side, and against national groups such as the United States, Europe,,,,, Korea, and India.Reorganize the global governance system again with military victory and defeat again.

Strategic paralysis and omissions are the most dangerous disasters, and there are many historical lessons in China.China needs to be very vigilant, what will Russia really bring to China?May wish to review the Japanese -Russian War that happened in Northeast China.At the beginning of the 20th century, Japan was backed by Britain and the United States. Russia was supported by Germany. Two neighbors in China were fighting for the territory of the Northeast on the land of China!

If a foreign (US -Europe Group and Russia) military confrontation occurs within the scope of China's territorial sovereignty (such as in the Taiwan Strait), the war is likely to be extended to mainland China, especially the developed coastal areas.The ending of the war is likely to conduct new territorial sovereignty negotiations.The core of the problem is that Russia may just use China to weaken China and successfully transfer international pressure, and implement reconciliation with the United States and Europe to complete national transformation; China has just missed national development and the rise of the nation.Major historical timing!

There are three core tasks in China: development, safety and unification of Taiwan.Now, these three core tasks are facing a challenge of serious deterioration of the international development environment caused by the Russia and Ukraine War.

Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong has previously accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV high -end interview programs. In response to questions about the Belt and Road Initiative, China is developing and prosperous, and its international status is increasingly important.There may be friction and tension, and the situation may be difficult.This sentence is very willing and practical.

On March 20, Xi Jinping visited Russia and Putin to hold an informal talks.It can be seen through the live broadcast that in just nearly five minutes, Putin showed a series of strange behaviors: Putin walked out from behind the door to the position of the handshake ceremony of both parties, in the process of walking in about three or five seconds.While buckling the buttons, constantly sorting the suit and pockets, trying to insert pocket in his right hand.After sitting down and talking, the left toe tilled up and rotated to the outside (at least eight times). The right heel was stomped, the left hand grabbed the handrail, the face was tight, and the unnatural smile was sometimes revealed.The eyes are stiff and timid, and the eyes are down most of the time (avoid the right look).

This series of behaviors of Putin was very uncoordinated with the atmosphere of the talks at the time.As an old -fashioned politician, we cannot explain that he was nervous when he saw Xi Jinping.According to behavioral psychology (leading physiological reactions in the heart), it can be roughly explained that Putin's self -confidence has suffered major frustration.His eyesBelow, Beijing needs to endorse for its isolation situation to provide support for its re -election in 2024.Putin's heart is extremely disturbed, you have to meet and avoid what.Putin's inner language was roughly: you are here, I thank you!

As a main ethnic group developed based on the basic concept of Confucianism civilization, according to historical experience and lessons, there must be three "underestimated" at any time: the Japanese nation's ambitions are not underestimated, and the Russians cannot be underestimated.Greeds cannot underestimate the strategic and development capabilities of Americans.Any of the underestimation will cause the Chinese nation to be seriously disaster.