On March 10 this year, Saudi Arabia and Iran suddenly announced in Beijing that they decided to restore diplomatic relations.Earlier, Lu Zhong, the persuasion and talks that Lu Zhong, was behind the scenes, was not noticed by Western media at all.However, persuasion and talks have since been evident that can be achieved, and it is also clearly established as a new benchmark for Chinese diplomacy.

On February 21st, Beijing released the concept document of the global security initiative, and a few days later, a document on the Chinese position on the Ukrainian crisis was released a few days later.It was announced on April 26. Li Hui, a senior diplomat and former ambassador to Russia, will serve as a special representative of Chinese Eurasian affairs. From May 15th, he will be able to visit Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany and Russia.The heavy responsibility of the Ukraine.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Li Hui's itinerary to "persuade and promote talks to make China's contribution to the solution of the Ukrainian crisis politics."

The Russian and Ukraine War has been fighting for more than a year.This is not only a war between Russia and Ukraine, but also an agent war. Therefore, it is not easy to mediate, but it may not be a vain effort.As Sino -US relations are tense, China ’s vigorous implementation of persuasion and talk about diplomacy can be regarded as a co -vertical strategy to correspond to China’ s cross -intensive strategy (Indo -Pacific NATO).Therefore, it is both Lu Zhonglian and Su Qin.In addition to China -Russia, a new circle of like -minded friends is formed.

From this perspective, this strategy has achieved good results so far.In terms of the Russian and Ukraine War, the efforts of persuasion and talks also began to get responses from other countries.Brazilian President Lula, who visited China in April, believes that China may have a "world's largest" role in promoting peace.At present, the situation in Russia and Ukraine must find a "persuasion" like China; at the same time, Brazil is also seeking other countries that have good relationships with both Russia and Ukraine, creating favorable conditions for the peacetrack of war.Lula also criticized the United States that the United States never wanted peace. Until now, he still "armed Ukraine and incite war" with Europe.

On May 16th, the South African President Rama Tosa revealed that he was the leaders of the six African countries (South Africa, Senegal, Uganda, Egypt, the Republic of Congo, and Zambia) when meeting the visit to the visiting Singaporean Prime Minister.Russian President Putin and Ukrainian President Zeleziskon's African Peace Confinement of Russia and Ukraine will send delegations to contact both Russia and Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Minister Ravorov subsequently confirmed that the peace delegation formed by the heads of the six countries will visit Moscow in June or July.UN Secretary -General Spokesperson Stephen Dugrik also confirmed at a daily press conference that Rama Paoa has called the Secretary -General Gutres to notify him the peaceful initiative.

The above -mentioned Chinese position documents list 12 claims: 1. Respect the sovereignty of various countries; 2. Abandon the Cold War thinking;7. Maintain the safety of nuclear power plants; 8. Reduce strategic risks; 9. Make protection of food outflow; 10. Stop unilateral sanctions; 11. Ensure that the supply chain of the industrial chain is stable; 12. Promote post -war reconstruction.

The connotation of

12 is more in principle declaration. For example, the second article says: "There is no simple solution to complex problems. We should adhere to the concept of joint, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable.Promote the establishment of a balanced, effective, and sustainable European security structure, oppose establishing national security on the basis of unsafe other countries, prevent formation of camp confrontation, and jointly maintain the peace and stability of the Asian and Europe. "How can the interests be implemented?

Only China has mediation capabilities

Therefore, it is not surprising that the media of Western countries immediately splash cold water for Beijing.Voice of Germany quoted the German media comments that this was a Chinese diplomatic show."So far, China has not even explicitly explicitly expressed the specific understanding of maintaining the integrity of Ukrainian territory, not to mention that Chinese senior officials or Xi Jinping will urge Russia to withdraw troops." But whether politicians in European countries are also doubtful.Because since the outbreak of the war, Europe has only the loss of losses and has not received the slightest.It is certain that they all hope that the war can end quickly, or temporarily stop and start peace talks, so that they have room for breathing.In addition to China, which other country can have a certain influence on Russia?

The poor country that has been broken by food, fertilizer and other supply chains, especially some African countries, also hopes that the war can end soon, but they have no power at all.Of course, Beijing knows the current dilemma faced by the world, and it will definitely make full use of the opportunity to play its own role and fight for the greatest national interest.Who can oppose persuasion and talk?Even though Li Hui did not achieve specific results in the first round, it was a good start.

This should not be expected by ordinary people.All the stop -war negotiations in history are protracted tug -of -war. The process is often to talk about and talk.But in any case, the two sides of the war must talk about each other. Generally, someone needs to mediate from it. This is the role of Lu Zhonglian we understand, basically acting as a peacemaker.In addition to China, which other country can be given a pivotal?

We generally only treat Lu Zhonglian as a peacemaker. In fact, Lu Zhonglian, recorded in the historical record, is not so simple.There are even more righteousness and bones, which are rare varieties of human beings.The most talked about his deeds of his righteousness, with practical actions, prevent the tyrannical Qin Kingdom from the nation.

Today's world and the Warring States Period in China, of course, cannot be compared with. Since World War II, there is a United Nations, mainly to formulate international rules and mediate disputes in various countries.But on the Russian and Ukraine issue, the United Nations helpless.The United Nations is basically manipulated by the five Security Councils of China, Russia, France, Britain, and the United States with veto power.In fact, the Russian -Ukraine War mainly involves Russia and the United States. Now China, Russia, and the United States and Britain have formed two camps, and the United States has also stated that it will permanently weaken Russia in the military. Therefore, the mediation work is definitely complicated and difficult.The United States, Britain, and France of the Five Changs have been bundled together by NATO. Only China is the party that "is outside" in the war. Therefore, there are also conditions for playing Lu Zhonglian.

In any case, in this disturbing world, some people are always willing to act as Lu Zhonglian, and they should also get strong support from all the peaceful countries.There are only losers and no winners in the war. After tens of thousands of young lives were sacrificed on the battlefield, after the consumption of hundreds of millions of dollars of military arsenals on the battlefield, public opinion will gradually change, and the opportunity of peace talks will also be.It will eventually appear.Former US Secretary of State Kissinger said that with China, the Russian and Ukraine War may have a turn, and peace talks are expected to start at the end of this year.

Of course, this is just Kissinger's personal judgment. A swallow cannot achieve a spring, but no one seems to predict in advance that China can pull the two deadly enemies of Saudi Arabia to a piece and shake hands.It is also worth noting that with the approaching presidential election next year, the American political and public conditions may also have changes in promotion and benefits.

There is a voice in the United States that the restrictions faced by the United States in economic and military today are far greater than at the end of the Cold War.The United States is no longer invincible, and now it already has real opponents, especially China; domestic in the country has also faced various harsh economic challenges, and it must consider choice in diplomacy.The United States must accept the fact that the world has undergone tremendous changes over the past 40 years.Therefore, do we have an optimistic expectation for the persuasion and talks of China and other countries?

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress