Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

At the regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense on May 29, spokesman Tan Kefei announced: "State Councilor and Minister of Defense Li Shangfu will be invited to attend the 20th Shangri -La Dialogue Society from May 31st to June 4th.And visit Singapore. "

But according to the Wall Street Journal report on May 29, the Pentagon stated in a statement on the same day, "In the evening, China notified the United States that they rejected our in early May of May.Request for meetings in Singapore. "

The dialogue was announced on the same day, and the United States was notified that the United States did not meet that night.This is the last decision made by China. There is no room for discussing during the meeting. It does belong to "unusual straightforward information."Although the word used by the United States is the request of China's refusal to meet.But the ins and outs of the matter are very clear -under the US sanctions, the Sino -US defense ministers have no room for meeting.

In 2018, the Trump administration included Li Shangfu into the sanctions list. At that time, Li Shangfu was the Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission of China and the first time that the senior Chinese military general was sanctioned.According to the ban, American citizens are banned from having business with Li Shangfu.In order to sweep the obstacles of the defense ministers of the Qing Dynasty, the Bayeng government publicly claimed that Austin could contact each other for "formal US government affairs."

If this approach is feasible, China has already agreed to meet.

On May 21st, Biden revealed at a press conference at the Hiroshima Conference attended by the Seventh Kingdom Group on May 21 that the sanctions of the US Defense Director Li Shangfu were "in negotiations."But in a flash, the US State Department spokesman Miller was asked on May 22 that the US side was considering the sanction of the Chinese military's senior management sanctions on the purpose of negotiation: "No, we don't."Miller also said that Biden "clearly stated that we do not intend to lift any sanctions that he or more extensively imposed on him."

Since Biden said that China and the United States are negotiating, it is impossible for China to make a decision to refuse requests without negotiations.Do not meet.

The problem is not to meet or not to cancel sanctions.And since Biden said that China and the United States are negotiating, it means that the United States believes whether to lift the sanctions against Li Shangfu as negotiation.

Why did the Biden government think that they could negotiate, and then made a decision not to cancel the sanctions?

Who thinks that the U.S. government can negotiate and who do not think it can cancel sanctions?Is it the upper hand to China hardliners?

China and the United States have discussed whether the two countries' defense ministers meet in the meeting. It seems that Sino -US relations are strong and difficult to merge, which actually implies that the US position was shaken.

Sanctioning Li Shangfu is the decision of the Trump administration. China's current non -meeting method is telling the United States that there is no room for compromise.This is essentially forcing the Bayeng government to correct the Trump administration's wrong behavior.The Bayeng government hopes that it will not overthrow Trump's tough movements to China, nor affects Sino -US relations, which is impossible.

The Bayeng government was hesitant in lifting sanctions, and he did not want to be criticized as a weakness to China. It once again explained that US diplomacy is being deeply abducted by domestic politics.It will only be tough.