Source: WeChat account "Southern Weekend"

Author: Weng Rong Rong

"Please write a linguistic paper about Cantonese."

When the reporter in the Southern Weekend entered the above content in the chat box of ChatGPT, stop paused for a few seconds, and a character was slowly appeared on the screen, which was connected to the title "Cantonese language characteristics and their role in language contact".There are also about one hundred words of summary: "... this thesis aims to explore the characteristics of the voice, grammar, vocabulary, etc. in Cantonese, and analyze its impact in language contact ..." It organizes six chapters clearly.The framework, including introduction, voice characteristics, vocabulary characteristics, grammar characteristics, role in language contact, and conclusions.

If you feel not detailed enough, just enter the instruction again, for example, "Please expand the voice characteristics of Cantonese", after a short pause, ChatGPT can continue to expand this part of the content, detailed to the sound rhyme system and sound change phenomenon.analyze.

After repeated input several times, the reporter from the Southern Weekend got a complete papers of about 5,000 words, which did not exceed 30 minutes.Although the argument is simpler, the structural thinking is clear.If you have more patience, you can continue to enter instructions to train it, asking it to become more academic, or list relevant references.

"Copy is fast." Li Yue, a senior graduate of a sophomore graduate of a journalist major in a certain college in China, told Southern Weekend reporters that about 40%of the first draft of her graduation thesis was generated by ChatGPT.

This is not a lonely example.In the survey of the reporter from the Southern Weekend, some college students completed the curriculum assignment, the period of the period, and even the master's graduation thesis with the help of ChatGPT. They have different educational backgrounds, from the two colleges, ordinary or 985 universities.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the scale of Chinese general university graduates in 2023 is expected to reach 11.58 million, and the vast majority of people will experience the graduation thesis.At the current graduation season, on social platforms, experiences such as "writing papers with ChatGPT" and "ChatGPT with ChatGPT" and other experiences are abound.On the e -commerce platform, there are also related accounts on sale.

"This is a bug (vulnerability)."Wu Fei, who is engaged in studying abroad, describes the use of ChatGPT in the college group.After the emergence of ChatGPT, Wu Feizen set up a business to help improperly use ChatGPT international students to appeal.

"It will repeat‘ car ’s words’ ”

In April, Feng Man, a junior student in a college, began to write in a regular papers for writing a general elective course in ChatGPT.Her specialty is law, the thesis requires the subject matter, about four thousand words, and gives more than 10 references.

Feng Man sets the theme of the paper as the impact of AI on the legal field. Then, she asked ChatGPT, which listed the paper outline with this theme.

Feng Man felt that the content of ChatGPT was "very professional, and in all aspects of tone like a paper."After that, she expanded each part separately and copied the generated content in her own papers, and modified it a little.In the final form, 99%of the content was generated by ChatGPT.


ChatGPT generates each part of each part, four or five reference sources will be listed.Feng Man picked up 10 items as a dissertation reference.At the beginning, ChatGPT listed many foreign literature, "Obviously it is the literature that I can't understand this level." Feng Man had to designate Chinese literature again.

Zhao Ming completed the master's graduation thesis with the help of ChatGPT. He studied at a 985 university in China. The content of the graduation thesis was about cloud computing.He summarized several methods to use ChatGPT, such as the number of words.

ChatGPT is very suitable for "number of words". As long as instructions are issued, a point of view can be expanded to hundreds of words.But if there are more words, it will also expose the deficiencies. Many interviewees reflect that it will repeat "the car".At this time, you need to manually process it, and delete it appropriately.

In addition to many "car words", ChatGPT's expression is very mechanical, and the information is not completely accurate.When a reporter from the Southern Weekend invited it to "analyze the romanticism in Li Bai's poems in combination with poetry", the four verses it given did not match the poem name, such as the "desire for thousands of miles in the poverty, but even more, but more upper to the bird's tower."The first floor", the wrong corresponding to Li Bai's Wanglu Mountain Waterfall.

When writing the paper, Zhao Ming used ChatGPT to inquire about the research progress of cloud computing technology at home and abroad, and asked it to introduce them in detail one by one.He simply verified the authenticity with a search engine. After moisturizing the color, he put it into the paper. "I feel that what it is said is some of the status quo, and there is nothing to adjust, so use it directly, as an introduction to a background related knowledge"Essence

The first two chapters of Zhao Ming's thesis mainly introduced the research background and the current research status of domestic and foreign research. More than 80%of the content was generated directly with ChatGPT.The following chapters are related to his experiments, and more are only expanded and moisturized with ChatGPT.There are more than 40,000 words in the entire master's dissertation. According to Zhao Ming's estimation, ChatGPT wrote about 30%-40%.

ChatGPT can not only be used to query information and lust language, but also have the ability to put forward the point of view.The theme of Li Yue's graduation thesis is the marketing and communication analysis of a certain product. She asked ChatGPT to analyze the challenges and strategies encountered by the product."Written better than yourself", these contents "can come up with, but don't want to organize language."

Even if it is the same question, the answer of ChatGPT is similar, but it will not be exactly the same.Li Yue fused different answers and made up the entire chapter.She will change a little and adjust the preface, but not much, "(the part he wrote) should not be."

ChatGPT is not good at it, Li Yue wrote "combined with other papers", which is replicated from other papers on similar themes.In order to reduce the weight check rate, the method she used was "full copy and then lowering". This method was learned from Li Yue from the experience posts of social platforms.

According to these methods, Li Yue took about two days to complete the first draft of graduation thesis."The whole papers have no things I wrote," Li Yue told the southern weekend reporter.

"It is impossible for a teacher to check all the references again"

At the beginning, Feng Man only used ChatGPT to complete the small assignment.Teachers usually arrange some questions to let students write four or five hundred words of answers.Feng Man tried to let ChatGPT generate answers and directly copied it. These homework will occupy a certain proportion in the final score of this course.Feng Man was not worried that he was found, "Teacher could not be such a small course assignment, and went to check it out for you."

Later, she simply used the ChatGPT to write a dissertation. She felt that the teacher would not read it seriously, "Every time the class was named is not uniform."This paper took her for only two or three hours. She estimated that if she wanted to write it all by herself, it had to take at least one or two days. "One is that it is faster, and the second is that the teacher's requirements are not very high."She submitted this paper with a mentality of mingling her homework and mixing.

The results came out, Feng Man scored 88 points.This score belongs to the medium bias in the class, and she is surprised.The teacher wrote hundreds of characters in detail, praised some of the contents of the content well, and gave suggestions for improvement.Feng Man was a little guilty, herselfIt was just a large -scale copy and paste, and I didn't read and write carefully, and I didn't even know if the reference existed.

Before that, she had seen the statement of ChatGPT to make up the literature, but she knew, "Teachers can't be checked all the time to check the references", so there is no special inspection.The reporter inquiries in the Southern Weekend found that of the 10 references of Feng Man's papers, there were 7 search unsuccessful, and the remaining 3 of the other three had different forms of errors, or the book version did not exist, or the period number was incomplete, and the title was incomplete.

This course is studying social surveys and research methods. The next task is the final paper. The end of the final papers can be modified on the basis of the thesis of the period, but it is required to join the questionnaire survey.Feng Man initially designed a questionnaire to optimize it in detail with ChatGPT. Since the teacher did not propose how many questionnaires needed to issue, Feng Man made up the data and analysis of the survey results, and then made ChatGPT generate conclusions based on these fake data.

Feng Man intends to submit the final paper in this way."I feel that it is more troublesome to use it, and the article is a bit higher than my current level." She told the southern weekend reporter, "I may not have a high score yet."

In order to meet the requirements of no more than 12%of the duplication rate, Feng Man used a free check software to inquire and found that the duplication rate was only 10%. "AI is really bullish.Well, I didn't expect it to write it by itself. "After the reporter of the Southern Weekend reminded her to reference the problems, Feng Man replied," As long as the check is over, it is a water lesson. "

When I first wrote a paper with ChatGPT, Chen Xintong was worried that he would be discovered.She is a senior senior art student who is about to graduate from a certain college. From the Internet, she learned from the online website that it was impossible to use the AI to use AI, and then used it at ease.

Some software at home and abroad, such as Turnitin, and gridda, have launched AI detection technology. For example, the function of latta's "AI -like Supplemental Behavior Detection" function.Vocabulary combinations and other sentences are marked as class AI supplement.However, these softwares have not been commonly used in China.

In the face of the test of ordinary heavy -duty software, ChatGPT performed amazingly.

Chen Xintong used ChatGPT to complete the graduation thesis. The school stipulated that the weight check rate was less than 10%. After the first draft, her weight check rate was only 1.6%, which seemed to be "incompatible" among her classmates.She was worried that this extremely low duplication rate would attract attention, so the content of others was copied from some outstanding papers, increasing the duplication rate to 4.5%.

Zhao Ming’s master's dissertation requirement is also less than 10%of the weight rate. He checked the first draft of the paper. Some of the repetition rates generated by ChatGPT would be very high, but what surprised him was that "the place where the red place was basically basically basicallyIt was not written. "After the amendment, he uploaded to the school's required review system and was finally passed at 5.6%.

In his opinion, ChatGPT is more like a tool. He believes that using tools can not be counted as academic misconduct. Academic inconsistency refers to plagiarism, such as copying the content of other people's articles directly.Well, who does it copy if it is plagiarized? It was generated by it. "Zhao Ming mentioned that one of his classmates sent the tutor after writing the paper.

"The most taboo of thesis is the main point of view is not your own"

Wu Fei has been engaged in studying abroad services for five years, mainly applying for study abroad applications and appeals.When the school suspects that students have academic misconduct or cheating, they will conduct investigations and hold a hearing. Wu Fei's work is to help prepare hearing and appeal.Before ChatGPT appeared, most of the appeal case he received was plagiarism or writing.Now, he receives about 5 orders every day because of improper requests caused by improper use, which accounts for about 80%of the total number of appeals he takes over.

"There is no laziness, only more lazy." In his experience, many international students are not good in foreign languages, and even lectures in class are laborious. If there are too many courses, the pressure to complete the paper will be great.At that time, some people will find written writing. "Now, ChatGPT becomes a new favorite.

Master's graduate student Sun Jing studying art history in a university in the UK. She said that as a non -native language, international students use ChatGPT to moisturize thesis. In terms of language expression, ChatGPT "really omnipotita."

Usually, Sun Jing will write a full papers in English first, and then put some paragraphs into ChatGPT, let it replace the more advanced vocabulary, correct the grammatical errors, and make the statement expression smoother.Sometimes ChatGPT will change her original intention. At this time, you need to give it instructions again to re -moisturize.

Wu Fei summarized the reporter from the Southern Weekend that among international students, there are several main cases of academic misconduct caused by ChatGPT: the most serious is to directly tell the papers to tell ChatGPT, or give it a question to generate it; secondThe idea of plagiarism is the idea or theme of the AI, quoting the generating text, but there is no reasonable reference format; there is also a way to help ChatGPT help generate references, and some have a fabrication.

"The most taboo of the dissertation is that the main point of view is not his own." He told the southern weekend reporter.

In April 2023, Turnitin software launched the AI detection function and has been adopted by foreign universities such as the University of Melbourne and the University of New South Wales.Turnitin can analyze text fragments through relevant technical analysis, and obtain how much the proportion of the thesis is a prediction result generated by AI.

Wu Fei mentioned that many foreign universities will introduce academic incompetence when students enter the school. The academic norms of each country are different, but most of them have special courses to help international students understand the standards of academic misconduct.Elective courses, specialize in teaching students to write papers.

Before the end of the writing period, Sun Jing will submit the thesis plan to the course teacher. The teacher gives annotations to help, help to think, or provide literature.

The final graduation thesis is more valued, and seven or eight large seminars will be held in the department.At present, Sun Jing has participated three times. For the first time, he introduced how to start with graduation thesis, how to choose topics, and then teaching research methods, how to set structures, etc.In addition to the seminar of the entire department, there are many communication with her instructor. Sun Jing's mentor asked her to send emails every week to explain ideas and progress.

At the latest papers participated by Sun Jing, the department emphasized that it is not allowed to complete the content of the content generated by the use of AI in the papers, and it is not allowed to write the papers in mother tongue first, and then translate with translation software.

"If the school or the teacher clearly prohibits the use of ChatGPT, then we must not use ChatGPT to do anything related to the content of the dissertation." Wu Fei told the Southern Weekend reporter.

"I just started writing the papers, I will use it"

After Li Yue submitted the preliminary draft of the graduation thesis, the mentor's evaluation was written average and asked her to change it twice, but it was mainly modified the format, and the content was rarely changed.At that time, her duplicate rate was as high as 30%, but the part written in ChatGPT was rarely marked with red.She used the aforementioned to translate into a foreign language and then turned it back to re -processes the marked red part, and the duplication rate was reduced to 11%.

The papers passed by repeat rates can participate in the defense. At the defense meeting, the teachers said that Li Yue's paper was "portrait."They put forward some amendments and passed her defense.Li Yue later learned that another roommate also wrote the paper with ChatGPT. "No many people have the ability to write their own papers, just lose weight."

For Feng Man, write theoryIt is really difficult. The final tasks of many courses are submitting papers rather than exams. Some teachers also have requirements for the weight check rate. In this case, the thesis has to be changed many times.But so far, no teacher has taught how they write papers.According to the practice of previous years, at the school of Feng Man, the first semester of the senior year will teach students how to write papers to prepare for graduation thesis, but Feng Man in the junior year has not yet learned.

As an art student, Chen Xintong needs to submit graduation design works before graduation, and there is also a creative experience to explain the creative purpose, background, and process of the work, which is equivalent to graduation thesis, school checks, and future papers.This creative experience.

Chen Xintong usually does not write the paper.She briefly describes the content, color and expression of painting to ChatGPT, and let it express it in academic language.But when the first draft of this ChatGPT participated was handed over to the instructor, the instructor said that the three parts of her abstract, introduction, and purpose were all expressing the meaning of duplicate, that is, the reason why she drew that work.She did not realize the problem before.After listening to the mentor's suggestion, she also checked the relevant knowledge of the abstract online, so she knew how to write.

Even if it was changed to the third draft, Chen Xintong still had no great confidence in this paper. She was not worried that she was found to be discovered with ChatGPT, and she was more worried that the quality of the paper was not good.Since 2021, the Ministry of Education has scheduled undergraduate thesis every year. If problems are found, a degree may be revoked.

"Like our professional, the paper is not important at all, and our important thing is to paint. But if the spot check, we can only read our paper. The paper is very important when we graduate." Chen Xintong told the Southern Weekend reporterEssence

Contradiction is that graduation thesis is so important, but they have not officially learned how to write papers.Chen Xintong said that although the mentor was assigned, the mentor did not teach her."Because I really can't just write the paper, I will use it." She said, "It's because ChatGPT started to write the paper before writing."

In the future, Chen Xintong intends to take the postgraduate entrance examination and continue to learn painting.She knows that she still needs to complete the papers when she graduated. Now she thinks it is not a problem. "Because I know how to write it now, I think writing a paper is really not a problem, nothing more than a few more times."She believes that he can write it by herself even without help with ChatGPT.There are many papers on the Internet. She can refer to others' papers slowly and write slowly.