On May 27th, Dr. Liang Bingfu, Dean of Confucius Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, published in Lianhe Morning News and Seminar Congri Lianxin's "China Connect" inheritance in the United States. It was very taught.I knew Di Pei (commonly known as Berry) in the class of Fudan University about 20 years ago.Di is a scholar who has a profound study and unique favorability in oriental culture.He advocated that Confucianism and other are not a modern obstacle, and as Dr. Liang said, he also emphasized that China has a liberal tradition.He is even more different from many Western centers.

Di Pei's goodwill for Chinese culture, and the academic tradition of the American leftist, has made him work hard to discover the commonality between Chinese and Western cultures throughout his life.This can also explain why he tried his best to tap the "liberal" elements in traditional Chinese culture.However, the mainstream thoughts on exclusive sexualism, as well as the human tradition of authoritarianism and clanism in political practice, to make the intention of "creative transformation", but still can only make the mainstream of the academic community think that he is just a "family."Even if it is decorated, it cannot change this kind of traditional thought that is brewing of totalitarianism, or the traditional thoughts of vitality to totalitarianism, and have the asphyxia of modernization.Whether it is Singapore or the modern transformation of the entire East Asian society, it is actually the result of begging to the Western free and democratic society.At least from the political level, it can be found that retaining the old and traditional society in the East, and modernism often has huge gaps.

I worshiped Mr. Di's free tradition many years ago. I feel that Mr. Di does have the mind and spirit of leftist intellectuals in the United States.He has always tried to get rid of the "liberal narrative" template of Western centralist, trying to give Eastern culture a chance to defend himself.But to be honest, I think that in addition to the satisfaction of people with a strong sense of pride in oriental culture, the argument of this book is quite weak, and the argument is also far -fetched.He has too many beautiful imaginations of looking at flowers.This may make some people see blood, but a stuffy stick in reality will make people throw any thoughts of liberalism to the clouds.

Chinese liberalism, if there was a little before, it was hit by increasingly cruel systematic blows in Song and Yuan.In a totalitarian society, there is no room for multiculturalism, and even the escape from the world will become luxury.Beginning in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, if the scholars were not used by the official, it was "crime should be killed", which made it difficult for Zhuangzi's hidden mountain forests.The terrible text prison in the Qing Dynasty completely eliminated any of the scholars that may exist since then.

Liberalism from the West at the beginning of the last century, also experienced extremely bumpy journey in China.I still remember that Mao Zedong's opposition liberalism in school textbooks before.When I was in middle school, an important theme of political learning was "against bourgeois liberalization."It can be said that after 1949, liberalism itself is no longer a neutral philosophical term, but naturally has a negative meaning.Prior to 1949, Chinese liberals often existed at most orally and spoken.They are neither tolerate the left -wing communist, nor of the right of the right of the right.Only the greatest liberalist in Chinese history, Mr. Hu Shi, defended the last sad dignity of liberalism with his life and deeds.

Hu Shi also experienced an interesting journey.At the beginning of the Soviet Union, many intellectuals in the world had fantasies.Hu Shi also briefly praised after visiting the Soviet Union in 1926. Many left philosophy and thinkers in the United States are the same.Especially after the economic depression in 1929, the Soviet Union became a comparison of "progress".But soon cleaning and the catastrophic consequences of the collective farm, especially armed invasion of Finland and Poland, made the world see the other side of the Soviet Union.Since then, Hu Shi's improvementism, the liberal claims of the middle line, have been hit by the Communist Party and the Communist Party.

Liberalism is destined to be a minority no matter which country, but it represents the nature of human nature.Therefore, whether it is the ancient Zhuangzi, or some poetic characters such as Xu Zhimo and Zhang Ailing, such as the modern Xu Zhimo and Zhang Ailing, they can better grasp the pulse of the times than politicians.One year before Hu Shi visited the Soviet Union, Xu Zhimo also went to the Soviet Union, and after returning, he had a big deal to his totalitarian politics.Since then, Xu was also the main author of the Morning Post, organizing a major discussion on the Soviet Union.This triggered the resentment of the left -wing youth, and even the Morning Newspaper paid.This just indirectly proves Xu's judgment, that is, authoritarianism cannot be criticized.Zhang Ailing was only restricted from wearing a cheongsam after 1949, and sensitively predicted the coming of the political storm.This advanced feeling is far better than countless scholars who read poems.Liberalism is a kind of aesthetic existence. Even if it is destroyed, it will always be rooted in the spiritual core of human beings.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher