Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Summit ended in Hiroshima, Japan. From the perspective of media attention, this is undoubtedly a "event": Ukrainian President Zelei's lightning appears, attracting global attention to G7 solidarityUnanimously aid URO Russia to the end; invite India, Indonesia, Cook Islands, Morocco, Brazil, Vietnam, Australia, and South Korea to hold a expansion meeting to show the international mobilization of G7;The nuclear explosion of the auction of the Spiritual Step, which seems to reflect the leadership of G7 in non -nucleation.In fact, in May, it can be said to be a summit season. In addition to the G7 summit, there are three important "non -Western summits".These meetings are not less than G7, and they should get more global concerns because they represent the trend and characteristics of the international political change.

G7's reality of resurrection theory

G7 was criticized and accused of "don't talk" and "outdated theory".In 2009, the then President Obama, the then President of the United States, once said that it was wrong to participate in the direction of China, India and Brazil.During the Trump era, the G7 was in a crisis of survival. In 2018, Trump left the G7 Canadian summit in advance and went to Singapore and Kim Jong -un to hold a U.S. -DPRK summit.In February 2022, the Ukraine crisis seemed to make the G7 re -divide to unity, and many analysts believed that the "G7 resurrected".

However, the "highlight time" on the media cannot completely represent the substantial results of the summit.G7 centered on global economic issues, which has almost no discussion on the current US domestic debt limit and domestic debt default crisis, adjusting monetary policy, etc.The G7 has not been able to make a stricter commitment to petrochemical energy, nor does it make specific timetables such as carbon de -carbon.On the one hand, the G7 must make up for the vulnerability of Russia, but on the other hand, it takes the initiative to leave a lot of loopholes in the climate change, so that those developing countries that are deeply affected by climate change are quite small.

Hiroshima Summit is the first time that the G7 has published documents related to nuclear disadvantaged and military control. However, the G7 member states provide nuclear submarines to Australia and dispatched nuclear submarines to the Korean Peninsula.In the context of emphasizing nuclear deterrence, the non -nuclearization led by G7 seems to make people feel far away.The expansion meeting aims to enable countries in Global South to support the G7 position on the Ukrainian issue to form an international united front; however, India, Brazil, Indonesia and other countries have not changed their positions because they participated in the G7 summit.

Pay more attention to non -Western summits in the world

The Asianan (ASEAN) summit held in early May, the "center of development" was used as the main topic.This is an important strategic judgment made by regional organizations composed of small and medium -sized developing countries in the context of the relationship between the relationship between major powers and geographical politics, and deeply reflect on its successful experience and historic challenges.This year's Asianian President, Indonesia, pointed out that the world has not recovered, and Asianan must take advantage of the population and stable advantage to further promote economic integration.What is the source of the development of Yaxian for decades?It is precisely because of the construction of the community of Ya'an that maintains the stability and development of the region, and the result of maintaining a stable relationship with all major powers through positive multilateral diplomacy.The continued success of Asan, which eventually depends on the "regional resiline". It can correspond to the uncertainty of the external international environment through high -quality development.

The first China -Central Asian Summit opened on May 18th, and the process of integration of Central Asia in Central Asia is to maintain this long -term area of Western geopoliticians.New international relations with endogenous energy and interconnection with the surrounding powers.Many Western comments still look at the summit from the perspective of the great country in the Cold War era competing for the sphere of influence, thinking that this is the success of China in "competing for Russia's backyard".This is an error cognition and should be interpreted in turn.The summit just reflects the high level of political mutual trust between China and Russia, and it is embodiment of how to stabilize Central Asia.

At this summit, the logic of a series of diplomatic activities related to Afghanistan issues related to Afghanistan issued by China. Chinese Foreign Minister attended the fourth Afghanistan foreign minister meeting in May to host China and Russia PakistaniThe second informal meeting of the Foreign Minister Afghanistan, the Foreign Minister of Four, and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Afghanistan, China.This means that China and countries in Central Asia have highly "neighborhood awareness". Based on this, through the regional tolerance process, the "orphan" of the international community, which has suffered from war, which has suffered from war, can be used.Find your new identity in regional national organizations, the interconnection process that integrates into the region, and resolve these difficult countries left by these history with economic and social integration.

On May 19, the Arab National Alliance Summit was held, and Syrian President Assad participated in 12 years.This is the first time that Syria was suspended in the member states in 2011.Syria's return to ANEM can be said to be an iconic incident in the recent major changes in the Middle East.The United States believes that the Syrian government continues to alert the opposition, should not give it, and expressed its continued economic sanctions.The problem is the result of the 12 years of isolation in Syria. It is not good for the region and the world. The rampant of terrorism has brought Islamic State, and the refugee crisis makes Europe overwhelmed.

Some analysis believes that Angeles has re -accepted Syria because Assad controls the political situation.Such analysis did not see the progressive progress of the avalanches in the Middle East.In March of this year, China ’s successful mediation diplomacy against the Middle East’ s Saudi Arabia and Iran was surprised that China “entered” after the evacuation of Iraq and Afghanistan in the United States and West.In fact, first of all, after a long years of war and interference in large external powers, the Middle East countries realized that they must rely on regional countries to reconcile to seek peace.On this basis, as the reputation of political and economic partners that have been trusted for many years in the Middle East, China has concentrated on the trend of the times and region, and has achieved the success of mediation.

The four summits held in almost the same period in one month show the increasing evolution of the international political pattern in the direction of multi -pole. The increasingly active of the non -Western World Summit will also be an important trend and characteristic of international diplomacy in the future.