"Go to the US dollar" has recently become a hot word in the international community, and it seems to have become a trend. Many countries will reduce their dependence on the US dollar as a good recipe for getting rid of difficulties and cope with the crisis.This list looks longer, including Brazil, Venezuela, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Ghana, Russia, France, Australia, and China.Two indicators that can reflect the status of the US dollar also have corresponding performance, such as the Global Bank Financial Telecommunications Association (SWIFT) in March 2023 Global Monetary Pay data statistics show that the US dollar payment share accounted for 41.74%of the world's, relativeAt the highest 85.7%share of more than half; the total global foreign exchange reserves announced by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in April were about $ 12 trillion (about S $ 16.2 trillion), of which the US dollar accounted for 58.36%, which is the US dollar.New lows in recent decades have decreased by about 27%compared to the peak.It seems that "to the US dollar" global is accelerating.

It is just one thing that the world is necessary to be clear. The dominance of the US dollar and even hegemony is once the consensus of human beings, a reflection consensus on the serious consequences of the financial war, and the global system that the international community co -maintained after World War II.One of the core architectures.Today, the so -called "going to the US dollar" trend, despite the support of many countries and regions, is probably the United States itself.

The generation of currencies has always been accompanied by power and responsibility. This is the case for the sovereign currency of a country, as well as international currencies circulating worldwide.In the quarter of the century after the end of World War II, the dollar fully enjoyed the benefits brought by international currencies, but when he went to the Nixon government, he found that the responsibility that it would bear would have to pay a greater price.So they decisively gave up the Bretton Forest system. At that time, the US Treasury Secretary Connery also left the world's famous saying: "The US dollar is our currency, but it is your problem."

Therefore, in fact, from then on, the United States has been doing something "to the US dollar", although they may not realize that the concept of "becoming the problem of becoming the US dollar into another country" clearly guideThis result.They want to enjoy the benefits brought by the US dollar hegemony, but they are unwilling to bear the responsibilities of international currency.

If a country's sovereign currency wants to become international currencies, it is necessary to implement the strictest fiscal policy and monetary policy, maintain the balance of domestic income and expenditure and the stability of exchange rates, so as to win the trust and respect of the international community, so that the currency can be caughtMore people recognize and use.However, since the 1970s, the United States has risen year by year. The debt limit of the federal government has risen from tens of billions of dollars to US $ 31.4 trillion in 2023.Negotiations on debt limit.This negotiation appears almost every government.The essence of the debt limit is fiscal discipline, and repeated breakthroughs are irresponsible debt defaults or transfer behaviors.At this time, maintaining the stability of the exchange rate has become the binding of currencies from other countries in the basket of the United States to throw the pot, and let other countries bear the consequences of the United States to eat food. It is a direct harm to the international status of the US dollar.

International currencies should also be able to maintain the price stability with commodities. It is not weakened because of the changes in various situations, so that the international community can be assured of holding and circulating the currency.The beauty in history is hegemony, and to a large extent, it is determined by the US dollar.When the world can only buy oil, the US dollar is an unparalleled international currency.Although so far, the US dollar still dominates the international commodity market, but the weakening trend is also obvious.The United States has not earnestly reflect on their arbitrarily use the US dollar settlement system to harm the interests of other countries and interfere with other domestic warfare.Since the Middle East Petroleum Crisis in 1973, the oil -producing country has tried to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar; to this day, many countries have begun to settle important energy resource products such as oil, natural gas, and grain in many countries.The world has suffered from a long time in the settlement of the US dollar. If the United States cannot control itself with this disk to fool the desire to fool other countries, there may be more and more commodities that have switched to other currency settlements, and the status of the US dollar will inevitably decrease again.

The supplier of international currency should also unite more allies, use the methods of sanctions carefully, and take the lead in undertaking the consequences of the financial and economic crisis in order to obtain more and more national support and escort the long -term value of international currencies.But today the United States is becoming more and more selfish, and their hearts are getting narrower, especially when they are in crisis, they are eager to express their philosophy or even harm their own.When the financial crisis broke out in 2008, the large -scale and quantitative and loose United States was dragged into the wave of the US subprime mortgage crisis; the outbreak of the recent epidemic and the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War made the global economic downturn.However, while the United States took the world's sanctions against Russia, the US dollar continued to raise interest rates, introduced inflation reduction bills, strongly attracted global capital, and destroyed the global economic recovery pace, including allies.These extremely selfish and selfish practices that only care about their high net worth of life and regardless of others, regardless of their survival and development, will undoubtedly severely damage others' trust in the United States and their confidence in the US dollar.

From this point of view, it is difficult to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the internationalization of the dollar. As long as the United States is still a responsible world country, no matter how envy other countries can be envious and jealous, they may not be shaken.But today the United States is using many of its own measures to bless the global "de -US dollar" process.Although this process does not know how the result is, the blessing may be unexpected, but it seems that the United States is the main force of "going to the United States".

(The author is a commentator in Yangzhou, China)