With the end of the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) Hiroshima Summit, it seems that the eyes of the world once again from the discussion on the desk of diplomacy, and returned to the sword light sword under the conflict of Russia and Ukraine.However, the follow -up impact of the Hiroshima Summit will continue for a long time.

The summit was the largest scale and the most members of the participants since the outbreak of the crown disease.Specifically reflected at the level of expansion meeting, the Hiroshima Summit has achieved further "expansion".Australia, Brazil, Komoro (the non -all -all -value chairman), the Cook Islands (the rotating chairman of the Pacific Islands forum), India (the rotating chairman of the Group of the 20th Group), IndonesiaEight countries were invited to attend the conference.At the same time, the United Nations, International Energy Institutions, International Monetary Fund, Economic Cooperation Organization, World Bank, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, EU and other international or regional organizations have also been invited.More importantly, during the summit, Ukrainian President Zeleziski visited Hiroshima, carried out dense diplomatic activities, and seemed to seek the understanding and support of other participants while seeking to increase assistance.

At first glance, the Hiroshima Summit seems to have become a small -scale "world portrait", which covers almost the world's continents and regions of these regions.In this regard, the Japanese government calls it the "Global South" composed of the Seventh Kingdom Group and the emerging market countries and developing countries. Focusing on the theme of "the world of peace and stability and prosperity", the Global Development Fair discusses discussions.Co -promoting global governance.It is necessary to note that as the world's largest developing country, the absence of China -can it mean "global south".Similarly, can the absence of Russia usher in the situation of Russia and Ukraine ushered in real cooling and realize real peace?

Obviously, on the basis of deliberately avoided these two issues, the Seven Kingdoms also used China and Russia as the object of criticism.In other words, the summit is to achieve the so -called "face -to -vision" effect.In response, on the day of the summit on May 20, the Chinese embassy spokesman in Japan pointed out the negative trend of the Hiroshima Summit of the Seven Kingdoms Group: "The G7 summit encourages the group's political and camp confrontation, and once again exposes the hypocritical of the G7 mechanism.Essential ... We (China) urged the G7 to reflect on its own problems, stop living high interference in other countries, and stop creating opposition and splitting. As the chairman of the G7 meeting, Japan should reflect on what they do./P>

The influence of the Seventh Kingdoms Group is no longer

Frankly speaking, since the outbreak of the World Financial Crisis in 2008, the development of emerging market countries and developing countries has ushered in major opportunities. The rise of the community of emerging countries has become a wave of development of the times.In this context, due to the relative decline of its own comprehensive national strength, the role of the Seven Kingdoms Group in global affairs is also decreasing accordingly, often facing the dilemma of inadequate and insufficient power, and even in recent years, it often appears in recent years."There is no more heart and lack of strength" to abandon unilateralist acts that take international responsibilities.This has largely damaged the international reputation of the Seven Kingdoms Group.

When the Seventh Kingdom Group faces the so -called severe threat of China, and the so -called discharge of the Russia of the Russia who is destroyed as an international and regional order, they have to choose to compete with them, especially for the support of third parties.To this end, as a realistic mapping, in recent years, not only members of the seven -nation group have strengthened their cooperation with emerging countries such as India and Australia, and as a overall Seven -Kingdoms Group, they have also proposed to strengthen it.Wait for emerging markets and development of domestic home.

However, can the Seven Kingdoms Group really be able to win the support of the "Global Southern" by conducting expansion meetings and inviting them to participate in international affairs negotiations?

Senior officials of the United States State Council said during the explanation of the Seventh National Group's summit: "We need to provide clear ideas and visions to countries, and explain how to achieve economic success.People promise often only stay at the verbal level. "From a reality, the most important task of the Seven Kingdoms Group is to deal with the so -called Sino -Russian threats.However, in this question, the seven -way Group is different in this issue, especially whether it is "decoupled" on China. Many countries are unwilling to "decoupling" in China for their own foreign trade considerations.In the case of unable to reach an unanimous opinion within the Seven Kingdoms Group, how can we ask other countries to reassure and boldly support the subsequent policy claims, and a country that opposes or sanctions?

In addition, emerging powers also have their own national interest considerations. In the 193 officials of the United Nations and two observer -observers, the Seventh Kingdom Group cannot fundamentally represent the global voice in fundamental sense.If you abandon other countries in the world in order to get their support, it deserves continuous attention.Moreover, for the vast majority of emerging powers, they hope that this is a multi -choice question, and it is by no means "I have me without him".In other words, emerging powers mainly pay attention to their own development issues, focusing on winning a relatively stable external environment for the development of the country.Therefore, they are more willing to pursue a neutral diplomatic route similar to the "non -alliance movement" during the Cold War to avoid the "structural contradictions" of the complicated and complicated power hegemony.

But in the specific implementation process, the Seven Kingdoms Group also hopes that these participating countries can publicize their statements and support the Seven Kingdoms Group to implement sanctions on Russia and assistance to Ukraine.Not only compared to the occupation of international moral highlands recently proposed by China, it emphasizes that the war on the war as soon as possible, and shows that the Chinese position on the Ukraine crisis that actively participate in the constructive global governance capabilities is even more aggressive, and it is almost the same period as almost the same period.The China -Central Asian Summit, which is held and focused on building a closer China -Central Asian destiny community, also lacks sincerity.

The Japanese cabinet officials said in an interview: "The international community is at a historic crossroads and enters the era of cooperation and division.Strategic cooperation has become more important. "The solution of global issues cannot be separated from the participation of any country in the world. It is not an internal affairs that a small group can determine through "secret outdoor diplomacy".If the Seventh Kingdom Group still focuses on the "Global South" after the Cold War confrontation thinking, it is difficult for them to really win the understanding, support and trust of "Global South".Only by letting go of a high posture and understanding the income of other countries to understand, can we truly release the suspicion with the "Global Southern".

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute