Source: China Economic Weekly

Author: Jia Xuan, Zhang Yuxuan

"It is rare for the first time that car companies have reported each other, and it is the first time I heard it." A senior car practitioner sighed to reporters.

On May 25, Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. issued a statement saying that on April 11, it submitted report materials to the Chinese Ministry of Ecological Environment, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Management, Industry and Information Technology, andThe two models of "Qin Plus DM-I and Song Plus DM-I" are reported by normal pressure fuel tanks, which are reported to report the problems of the discharge of the vehicle's evaporation of the vehicle.

Subsequently, BYD issued a statement urgently, saying that it resolutely opposed any form of unfair competition and retained the power of legal lawsuits.BYD believes that the above test report is invalid, emphasizing that its products and related testing meet national standards.Relevant departments are welcome to come to investigate, obtain evidence and test at any time.In the article, BYD uses multiple sighs. At the same time, it mentioned that the company "has accumulated and iterated for more than two decades in inserting technology, unlike some peers thinking!"

In this regard, reporters from China Economic Weekly contacted Great Wall Motors and BYD.

Great Wall Motor responded: "Taking the declaration information, the company is paying close attention to the progress of the case and processing."

BYD stated that the official statement is subject to.

Affected by the reported incident, as of the closing on May 25, Great Wall Motor's stock price fell 6.17%, and BYD A -shares fell 2.41%.

01 Sales pressure behind the report

On May 23, the "BYD Automobile" WeChat public account released the publicity information of the "Song Pro DM-I Champions Edition" two days of publicity.

In the advertisement, BYD said the model was "the new youth of the Song family".Unexpectedly, on the first day of the "New Youth" listing, it was a report from peers.

In fact, Great Wall Motor's name for peers is not the first time.

The reporter found that the public information found that Great Wall Motors had named Geely and Changan and other auto manufacturers because of "black public relations" and other issues.

"The content of this report is really rare in the industry. Maybe it is related to the sales of automobiles between the two parties?" The above -mentioned car practitioners told the reporter of China Economic Weekly.

Public information shows that in 2022, BYD's new energy vehicles sold 1.8635 million units throughout the year, an increase of 208.64%year -on -year, surpassing Tesla, and defending the global new energy vehicle sales.

In the same period, Great Wall Motors' sales were 1.0617 million units throughout the year, a year -on -year decrease of 17.12%.

In the first four months of this year, Great Wall Motor's cumulative sales of 313,100 units, a year -on -year decrease of 7.18%, of which new energy vehicles were sold for 42,700 vehicles.During the same period, BYD's sales were about 762,400, an increase of 94.30%year -on -year.

02 Experts: Whether there is a problem should be tested by relevant departments

This time, whether the content of Great Wall Motors is reliable has become the focus of public opinion.

According to the report content of BYD's two models in the Great Wall Motor Statement, car analyst Jia Xinguang analyzed from the Chinese Economic Weekly reporter from a technical perspective that the fuel tank should be used. "Voice".When the fuel tank works and stops, there will be fuel evaporation, causing air pollution. Generally, a carbon tank is absorbed. There is a vacuum hose on the recycling tank to ensure that the gasoline steam will not volatilize to the air.

Jia Xinguang further expressed, and the so -called normally pressure oil tank may refer to vacuum damage caused by the device fault, and the normal -pressed fuel tank steam is easy to overflow.If there is a carbon jar, it means that BYD's car is detected. There is no negative pressure that is a device failure and needs to be repaired.If the incidence of device failure is high, recall or improve design.If there is no carbon can, there is no device that does not absorb pollutants, and the production license cannot be obtained.

Jia Xinguang added that if the plug -in hybrid model is only charged with sockets for a long time, no engine is charged, the engine is not commonly used, and a certain amount of fuel steam in the fuel tank will accumulate for a long time.There will be a lot of fuel steam releases at the moment of the lid, but this does not judge that this is a problem.Instead, it should be rigorously in accordance with the testing method. After working for a period of time, or after a day, the steam concentration in the fuel tank is determined.

Jia Xingguang emphasized that the evaporation testing of fuel should be conducted in accordance with the relevant national standards, and the designated institutions should be performed. The testing of the Great Wall can only be used as a reference information, and the test report of the relevant departments must be determined.

03 Lawyer: If the situation is not true or suspected of improper competition

Wei Jingfeng, deputy director of Beijing Hehong Weiyu Law Firm, analyzed to a reporter from China Economic Weekly that according to the provisions of the Management of the General Administration of Market Supervision and the Motor Emissions Recall of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, if the motor vehicle is dangerous, the producer shall be implementedrecall.

Eat emission hazards include three situations: 1. Due to design and production defects, the air pollutants emit air pollutants exceed the standard due to design and production defects.2. Due to the fact that the requirements for environmental protection durability are not met, motor vehicle emissions of air pollutants exceed standards.3. Due to design and production, there are other motor vehicles that do not meet the emission standards or unreasonable emissions.

If the two models in the Great Wall Motor Statement have the above situation, the consequences of recall may be faced.

According to Wei Jingfeng analysis, if the report of Great Wall Motors is true, BYD did not raise any objections within the prescribed period, nor did it implement the recall in accordance with the notice of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Management, or after confirming that the motor vehicle is hazardous, the national marketThe State Administration of Supervision and Administration shall, together with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, or order motor vehicle producers to implement recalls in writing.

If a motor vehicle producer believes that there is a hazard of emissions or a notice of ordering the recall of motor vehicles, it shall immediately stop the production and sales of motor vehicles with discharge hazards.If motor vehicle producers implement the recall of motor vehicle emissions in accordance with the above provisions, other legal liabilities they should bear in accordance with the law.

But Wei Jingfeng also pointed out that because Great Wall Motors and BYD Automobile belong to the automotive industry, if the report is not real, Great Wall Motors may involve improper competition.

According to the relevant provisions of the Anti -Unfair Competition Law, operators shall not make up, disseminate false information or misleading information, and harm the business reputation and product reputation of competitors.If the operator violates relevant regulations and causes damage to others, it shall bear civil liability according to law; if the legitimate rights and interests of the operator shall be damaged by improper competition, they may file a lawsuit with the people's court.

An operator damages the business reputation and commodity reputation of the competitors, shall be ordered by the supervision and inspection department to stop illegal acts and eliminate impacts.If the circumstances are serious, a fine of 500,000 yuan or less.The Civil Code also has specific similar provisions on the above infringement.