Ukraine hopes to recapture the lost soil occupied by Russia in the spring, and increases the chips on the negotiating table. In order to consolidate military power and back assistance, Ukraine President Zelezzki launched a European whirlwind journey.The three -day journey was very abundant. Germany generously provided weapons of 2.3 billion euros (about S $ 3.3 billion). France promised to provide more tanks and training Ukraine pilots. The United Kingdom also agreed to train pilots and provides long -range missiles.The Italian Prime Minister Melonyki cordially called Zellennki as "my friend" and declared that 360 degrees fully supported Ukraine, but did not announce the specific content.

Zelei Sky received the most unexpected gift, which is a bronze olive branch presented by the Pope Francis.The stance of the same difference is in the same way.After a 40 -minute meeting, Zeleiski issued a tweet that he asked the pope to condemn Russia's crimes in Ukraine because he could not look at the invaders and the victims.But the most amazing thing is that in an interview with Italian television, he said: "I respect the Pope very much, but we don't need to mediate." Many experts and media interpret it.Go to Zeelianzki.

On February 25, 2022, the next day when the Russian tank car drove into Ukraine, Fang Ji broke the convention of the Pope to meet the envoy in the Vatican, endured his knee pain, and staggered to the Embassy in the Russian Holy See.Save the last hopes of peace, but his efforts are endless, and the war has been extended for more than 15 months.His meeting with Zellezki was unusual. President Ukraine did not follow the Holy See's formal clothing specifications, but came to wearing his green "jersey".Instead of waiting for visitors in the conference room.

Fang Ji has repeatedly breaking the convention, looking forward to the early arrival of peace, but the Vatican's situation in the Russian and Ukraine War is not naive, and it has no signs of stopping fire and negotiations.This meeting required by Zeelianzki arranged time in a hurry. After seeing the Pope, he did not follow the routine. He saw the Holy See Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, who was responsible for promoting the policy, showing that the Holy See understood the meeting.The significance is symbolic, not to talk about specific peaceful solutions.

Russia believes that peace is not at the negotiating table

In 2014, Russia swallowed Crimea, Donetsk and Lugusk in eastern Ukraine were in a turbulent. The Vatican continued to persuade Russian President Putin to resolve disputes with negotiations.Stay.However, foreign and negotiating ended after all. Russia and Ukraine did not follow the ceasefire agreement. The conflict of burning for a long time was a war that changed the balanced global situation.Not only Putin is unwilling to give up killing, but also more than 90 % of Ukraine believes that they will defeat Russia; both sides believe that victory depends on the battlefield and is not at the negotiating table.

Zelei Sky thanks to the Pope Francis for assisting with the exchange of prisoners of war, and trying to bring children abducted to Russia back to Ukraine, looking forward to the Vatican for continuing humanity assistance.However, the fighting hostile provoked by the war caused the most basic humanity to obstruct it. "Sometimes, the bilateral military has reached an agreement to change the prison, but it was blocked by the political figures."Cas said that.It is even more difficult for children to rescue children. The older children know where their names, from,, and even trying to contact their families; but the younger children's whereabouts are unknown and can only rely on Russia to provide a list.

But Ukraine is not satisfied with these humanitarian assistance. What they want is that Pope Francis has their own unambiguously on the same line as themselves, but this is not in line with the neutral principles of the Vatican.In contradictory, when the war broke out, Zerrenki said that the neutral Vatican was suitable for the mediation of Russia and Ukraine; the war spread, the international situation changed rapidly, and Ukraine's perception of the Vatican also changed slowly, thinking that he did not stand in the victimOn the one hand and keeping neutrality, it is favored by Russia.

Du Jin, who advocates the Great Russian imperialism, is known as the national teacher of Putin. When his daughter died due to the explosion of a car, the Pope Fang Ji said that she was also an innocent victim of the war and attracted severe criticism in Ukraine.Although Fang Ji has also accused Russia of launching a cruel, brutal and unreasonable war, it has also surpassed the boundary of the Pope without criticizing the boundary of other religious leaders and warned that Patriaarch Kirill did not be reduced to Putin's auxiliary sacrifice.Children.

After the East and West Church split in the 11th century, the Roman Pope representatives represented by Fang Ji only met with the Muir Head of Russia's East Orthodox in 2016.Cracks.When the Ukraine Orthodox Church decided to leave the Russian East Orthodox self -relocation portal, the Vatican did not explicitly support, because when criticizing religion became Putin tools, it was also worried that religion would become a nutrient that nourishes Ukraine nationalism.

The time of the Holy See's understanding of peace has not yet matured, but the mechanism of the negotiation layout has been launched.At the end of Zeelianzki's whirlwind visit, Chinese envoy Li Hui started a European trip and visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany and Russia to explore the possibility and foundation of negotiations.China claims to have an unlimited friendship with Putin, but Zellezzki has not criticized China to favor Russia.The United States, who originally thought that China was not a competent personnel, also began to change its attitude. From scoffing at the peacetime of China, to seeing Beijing's exerting leverage forced Putin to stop the war.

Putin's reckless war has caused Russia's international status to fall thousands of feet, but he has accelerated the change of geopolitical territory that has already been squeezed with each other.The United States is anxious to defend the global dominant position. After the economy and military of one party, they have also wanted to show their skills in diplomacy. First, it promoted Iran and Saudi Arabia to reconcile. Now they also want to intervene in European security affairs.Other medium -sized powers are also busy on the international chessboard. European countries have changed cautiously, and promise to provide more advanced weapons of Zerrenzki, showing that Ukraine and Europe have realized that when the US presidential election warms, TrumpWhen Pu returning is not an empty imagination, it cannot be overwhelmed by the leadership and support of the United States.It is important to understand that the United States also understands that a powerful, prosperous and stable European Europe is in line with the interests of the United States, not a threat; the European self -reliance and self -reliance Europe also gives the United States more extra excessive and cope with the more tricky India.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy