The interior of China ’s domestic large aircraft 919 is full of Chinese cultural elements. The roof extracts ancient Chinese architectural elements -the top of the Temple of Temple, which outlines the circular roof above to form a vast pattern of“ Tianyuan Place ”.Some details in the cabin are also cleverly integrated into Chinese cultural elements, and pandas and Chinese knots can be seen everywhere.All signs show that Chinese products are getting out of the culture that is too barren.

The cultural elements in a country's products often represent the image presented by the country to the world, reflecting the humanistic heritage and cultural essence of the country. Therefore, countries in the world strive to display their best culture through products and let people let people let people let people let people let people let people make people.While enjoying material civilization, taste the cultural charm of this country.As a jacket owner sells the product to the Japanese: "We are not selling jackets, but selling a lifestyle." Indeed, lightweight and chic jackets fully reflect the free, free, unrestrained, free, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained, and, the luxury of French products, the rigor of German products, and the exquisite Japanese products are all showing the cultural characteristics of these countries and combine a special cultural mood.

French meal), Japanese people make "province" (energy -saving province, the lowest cost), Indians make "new" (software development) and Italians do "design", etc., and the brands have done it, or they are becoming, or they are becoming a "design"The world's first -class level and dominate the international market.

Culture can create high value -added, and any product is inseparable from the packaging of culture.Culture as productive forces, penetrates into the production process of each product, and creates a high value -added value.For example, the color and color of the fabric are the creation of culture; the shape and style of clothing are also the creation of culture, and the "clothing culture" is naturally born. The value ingredients of fabrics and clothing are not known how many high value -added value created by culture.Rocity restaurants and bars, about 30%of the value is the high value -added of food culture creation.

In modern society, why are you not so valuable?It is the lack of high value -added created by culture.The world ’s production technology has become increasingly average, and technology can instantly achieve transfer between the country and the country. Fashion, sensory, and culture can be more willing to buy.

Historically, Chinese products have been known for their strong national cultural characteristics.As early as the Han and Tang dynasties, the silk exported to China represents the weaving technology of the world's leading world. The delicate, smooth, and glorious silk is weaved into the long -term Chinese culture.The Silk Road is even more brilliant. Through this ancient road, the ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture, Persian culture, Arabic culture and ancient Greek and ancient Roman culture are connected to promote the communication of Eastern and Western civilizations.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chinese mahogany furniture reflected exquisite handicrafts in terms of shape, material, decoration, and craftsmanship: natural, ethereal and euphemistic, superior and implicit, simple and elegant, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautifulThe dignified, rigidity, rigidity and flexibility, transmitting a strong book gas, dialysis revealing heavy ancient culture, which is regarded by the international collection industry as a treasure.

China's modern national movement declines, and national industrial products have a strong semi -colonial cultural color, such as robbers cigarettes (later changed to large knife cards).Pirate -like aggression and bullying.

The product culture of modern China has also had extremely brilliant, and Chinese goods have a good reputation worldwide.But for a while, Chinese products are caught in a misunderstanding -cheap is the best. This is the simple and impetuous mentality of modern Chinese people. Do not pay attention to the cultural packaging of the product.Cheap products siege the city slightly, occupy the international market, and realize the dream of wealth overnight.But lost personality in simple and impetuousness and losing cultural fusion.

Experts point out that more than the cultural elements that are adsorbed on the product, life is much longer.It can be said that cultural output is a kind of "terrible" power. When we patronize McDonald's and KFC, we want to experience the true fast food culture in the true sense; when we were immersed in the wonderful plot of the Korean drama many years ago, weIt is more infected with Korean culture.This reflects a trend of modern social products, conquer consumers with product culture.In this sense, it is better to sell culture, which is not so much to sell culture; rather than enjoying products, it is better to enjoy culture.

Chinese products should be alert, and the cultural integration of Chinese products is deserved.

China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. This provides an inexhaustible cultural integration for Chinese products. Using the inexhaustible cultural resources, as long as you do it with your heart and dig into grafting with your heartChinese products with national cultural characteristics.

The author is the writer of China Financial Media column and chief analyst of Jingsu Media