Source: Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily Society

Although the outside world believes that the United States Democratic and Republican parties can reach an agreement to increase the debt limit before the deadline for US debt default on June 1, however, the United States has repeatedly broke out the debt limit storm, reflecting that the party's competition has stepped up irrational, and at all hesitateTaking national interests as a bargaining chip, it has become a negative teaching material for the world's democracy, and the risks of the two parties that cause the two parties to get angry are also heating up. It will damage the confidence of international debt and the US dollar. In the end, the foundation of the United States may also fight against the United States.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen has repeatedly warned that the United States will have no money to pay off debts as soon as June 1, and debt defaults will occur.If the United States depends on debt, it will not only crack down on the reputation of the US government, lead to the closure of some government departments, but also trigger the US bond market, stock market and the United States, plummeting the US economy, and dragging the world.Because the cost of the United States is extremely serious, the outside world believes that the Republican Party, which obstructs the upper limit of debt, will eventually reach an agreement with the Democratic President Biden in front of the deadline to increase the government's debt limit.

However, the two -party negotiations last Friday, Republican representatives left the scene for a while, causing the negotiations to suspend. Later, although the talks recovered, they also paused because of "real differences"; the Republican action was not difficult to understand.President Bynden arrived at Japan to attend the Summit of the Seventh National Group. The Democratic Party could not make a substantial concession, and the Republican Party put pressure on the opponent.Some of the Democratic Senators also requested Biden to use the constitutional amendment to bypass Biden to bypass the upper limit of the debt of Congress to increase debt.The negotiations between the two parties believe that it is expected to break through the return of Japan on Sundays from Japan.

Although the outside world believes that the two parties of democracy and republics can reach an agreement in the next few days to increase the debt limit, the United States has repeatedly broke out of debt limit disputes, and the two parties have become more serious.It has made multiple blows to the United States.

The Republican Party is more and more civilized, radical

One of them, Biden has greatly shortened the Asian foreign visits in response to debt negotiations, only maintains to attend the Seventh Kingdom Group Summit in Japan, but cancels the visit to the South Pacific Island Guobaba New Guinea, and attending the United States, Japan, Australia and India in Australia.Security meeting.

Bynden visited New Guinea and attended the Quartet Security Conference, which was an important move that he created the "NATO in Asia" to block China. Because of the domestic party's competition, he was forced to stop and curb the Chinese actions.The allies have seen that the US party struggle has dragged down the country's politics and made them have to reflect that the credibility of US diplomacy commitments will not be fulfilled in the future.

The US party competes with the interests of the country and the people. It also highlights that democracy is only about struggle and not compromise, which will trigger political disasters. The US party struggle is becoming increasingly irrational.

Second, even if the two parties reached an increase in the upper limit agreement, the increase may be only 1.5 trillion US dollars (S $ 2.02 trillion).To force the Democratic Party to follow the request of the Republican Party to reduce social welfare expenditure.In the future, as long as the Democrats serve as the president, the controversy of the debt limit will be fierce.The outside world is concerned that, under the increasingly civilized and radicals of the Republican Party, the debt limit will sooner or later wipe the gun to fire, which will detonate the default "bomb".

Third, Biden's original consideration this time, citing the "validity of American public debt ... the validity of the US public debt ... unspeakable", which was quoted in the 14th amendment of the Constitution.The cabinet opposes a lot of voices and is worried about the constitutional crisis.

Because the Republican Party is very likely to use judicial review, challenge Bayeng's constitutional amendment explanation, and the nine judges of the Supreme Court currently have six relatives of the Republican Party, and Bayeng's risk of losing a lawsuit is very high; even though Biden won a lawsuitThe Republican Party will also retaliate against the other policies and add trouble to Bayeng's administration.

The interests of political parties overrive national interests

Fourth, the United States has repeatedly broke out the risk of debt defaults. Although internationally renowned rating companies are US -funded, they have not reduced US debt rating, but many countries such as France and Saudi Arabia have reducing their holdings of US debt. ChinaFrom August last year to February this year, it sold US debt for seven consecutive months. Belgium, Luxembourg, and Ireland also joined the Singu U.S. debt earlier this year. Analysts also said that the debt limit controversy is weakening the international confidence in the US dollar.Action.

The White House spokesman Shang Pie said that if the United States has a debt default, it will be the Republican party "gift to China, Russia and other competitors."2. Democratic two -party politicians will lead the interests of individuals and political parties to the interests of the people and the national interests, which seriously damages the authority and national strength of the United States, so that the United States will blame themselves.