Many traditional nomadic tribes in the world are now integrated into modern civilization, but some people who originally lived in the city lived a "nomadic" life.

Digital Nomad is one of the most popular concepts in the world in recent years.The so -called "digital nomadic" (or "digital tourism") usually refers to people who use the Internet to work in remote jobs.They have no place to live, and some even walk around all over the world. They work in any place that can be wirelessly Internet access, and fully enjoy the freedom of location independence and flexible time.

The origin of digital nomadic has a variety of claims. It is generally believed that the earliest books published in 1997 were the same name. The author is the Japanese pastoral and British David Manners.The author imagines a globalization world. The Internet will fundamentally change people's lifestyle. Mobile office will blur the boundaries between work, life, and travel.This forward -looking idea has gradually become reality.

Digital nomadic is realized, because Internet technology breaks through the two major restrictions of traditional work: the height of people and workplace, and the height of people and companies.

In the past, most of the jobs had to be carried out on the spot. Even white -collar workers worked with computers had to meet with colleagues every day.Today, with the improvement of long -range office and online conference software, location restrictions are no longer a problem.Many people work at home during the epidemic, and they can still maintain corporate operations in general.

Most people working at home still have fixed employers, and they are still not free.Emerging employment form further "liberates" workers.Internet anchors, self -media, design outsourcing, online buyers ... Many people no longer work for a specific company, but are linked to the Internet platform, or built their own websites and brands, and directly participate in economic activities as individuals.

The benefits of digital nomadic are obvious. The most important thing is "geographical arbitrage", that is, holding higher income, living in a lower cost place, and getting rid of the crowded environment of metropolis.Dali, Indonesia, Bali, Indonesia, Columbia Maldling, Lisbon, Portugal, and Estonia Talin are all gathering places for digital tourists.Even Heilong, Heilongjiang, has attracted many Chinese youths who "escape" from Beishangguang, Shanghai, Shanghai, and Guangzhou because of their low house prices.

In addition to the cost of living, freedom is another consideration.Many young people have the dream of traveling around the world.In addition, the new generation has also increasingly disgusted the hierarchical system and working atmosphere of the traditional workplace. Digital nomadic life is very attractive.

However, the benefits of advocating digital nomadic are easy to make people who were not suitable for mistakes.The biggest challenge of digital nomadic is the unstable income.Digital tourists do not pay monthly salary as company employees. The income is closely related to orders and fans. When they encounter poor years or bad luck, they may not be able to enter the account for a long time.

Digital nomadic also overcome the weaknesses in human nature.Irregular living conditions have high requirements for self -discipline.There is no time and place of work restrictions, it is easy to make people lazy.Freedom occupations are only suitable for people with strong self -driving force to try. Those who are weak will easily become lazy men who do nothing all day.

Digital nomadic also overcome many specific difficulties in life, including medical security, spouse resettlement, children's education, etc. Some environmental factors, such as unstable political situation, visa difficulty, rent rising, exchange rate fluctuations, all effectively affectThe quality of life.At present, the most young nomadic life is still the most single youth. It is more difficult to get older and children.

As the saying goes, "conspire and move", digital nomadic makes many urban people who are physically and mentally exhausted, but the fundamental change of lifestyle is different from the travel of "talking and walking"."Nomadic" becomes "wandering", then regret is late.