Near midnight on May 10th, a news from the International News Agency from the Middle East informed that the Israeli army attacked Gasha again and deployed the missile defense system "David David Stone Stone" for the first time.

The news that exudes the smell of the gunpowder seems to have "new ideas".I was about to check the information quickly when I was about to get off work. After weighing it, I decided to launch the last news.

David ’s Sling medium -range missile interception system is jointly developed by Israel's state -owned Raphael Advanced Defense System Company and US arms manufacturer Leishen Company.It can intercept rockets from 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers, plane or low -altitude cruise missiles.

In the impression, Israel's most powerful rocket defense system is "iron dome". "David" believes that it is a new army for filling the defense gap.

The news of the

The database of the press room on David David Stone Board stopped on December 22, 2015. The focus is on the final test stage.

For nearly eight years apart, the news of David's stones appeared again.The report pointed out that the Israeli Army successfully used it to intercept the rocket launched by Palestine; on April 5th, there were reports that the next day after Finland's official joining NATO, the Finnish Ministry of Defense announced that it would spend 316 million euros (about S $ 460 million).Procurement of David's caststone air defense system.

This order in Finland, for the first time to invest in David Stone, has been famous for the first time overseas, and it is the latest achievement of Israel's export arms.

The news was finally pushed at midnight to inform the readers of the latest situation in the first time; and in the conflict of Isaiba, the new cutting -edge military reserve officially appeared.

In this round of conflict, under the mediation of Egypt, the conflict agreed to stop fire from 10 pm local time.

The United Nations pointed out that from the early morning of May 9, local time, the military operations initiated by Israel in the Gaza Strip in response to more than 100 rockets launched from the Gaza Strip to southern Gaza a week ago.The conflict caused at least 25 Palestinian deaths in Gaza, and dozens of other people were injured.

The United Nations added that since October last year, more than 1,100 rockets launched from Gaza to Israel.

Right and wrong, the onlookers are already unclear.

The Baza conflict of the Beacon Middle East is a long -term existence.Due to the interests of many countries and regions, the origin and development of conflicts are irresistible, but the international community cannot be visible, especially in May this year.

On May 14, 1948, according to the United Nations division of governance plans, Israel announced its independence of the country.In modern human history, the discrete Jews finally returned to their homeland.

The UN General Assembly passed the Palestinian divisional resolution in November 1947, and proposed to establish two temporary countries, one was a Jewish country and the other was Arabia.The Arab League refused to accept it, and Jewish organizations in the Palestinian region accepted.

Within 24 hours after the founding of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq's regular army invaded, forcing Israel to defend the land that had lived more than 2300 years ago.This year marks the 75th anniversary of Israel's independence of the People's Republic of China.

It was different in the past that for the first time in the New York headquarters on May 15th, the United Nations commemorated the Palestinian from the Palestinian 75 years ago that the Palestinian escaped from the land of Israel.At that time, 700,000 Palestinians became refugees overnight, and the Palestinians called the "Nakba Day".

The Pakistani conflict tangled the third century. At this moment, the international community looked back at history and trying to find a new way to mediate, which may help promote the peace of the Middle East.

The differences between Bazi are mainly reflected in religious beliefs, geographical location, political system, economic development, and history and culture.If outsiders want to intervene, the economic and trade field may be a feasible way.

Israel is one of the economic powers in the Middle East, and Palestine is relatively poor.If the parties are required to take the initiative to resolve the dilemma, Israel should be a more capable party.The international community can also help Palestinians solve the problem of survival with the values of peace and ability to solve the problem of being expensive.

In the database of the press room, there is such a news that happened in January 2021.Michael Mirilashvili, a billionaire Georgi, is the residents of Gaza in Palestine to provide solar water -making machines to help local residents take water from the air.This water -making system can absorb the moisture in the air, condense and filter into water that can be consumed immediately.The Gaza Strip has faced the shortage of water for a long time, and the aid project effectively helps the local area to alleviate the problem of water shortage.Such a good deed, the international community is happy to see.

According to Reuters on May 4, a food technology company in Israel cooperated with Singapore to allow fish cells to grow in the laboratory, and then use 3D printing technology to produce the world's first artificial grouper slices.

These fish fillets can be cooked directly after printing, and the taste and taste are like natural fish fillets.The first batch of products is expected to be launched in the Singapore market next year.

At midnight, if there is news from the Middle East, "Sending water and sending fish to Gaza" will spread the news as soon as possible, and let the whole world know.