Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Tsai Ing -wen has been in Taiwan since 520 in 2016, and has been seven years old.Seven years ago, President Tsai was looking forward to taking office by the people's great reforms. In the past seven years, Taiwan was not only better, but it became unprecedented, and the reform completely disappeared in the air.Today, Taiwan has been regarded as the front line of the United States as the front line of China. It is regarded by the international community as "Ukrainian second". The people are worried about economic prospects. They are younger for their economic prospects.What do you think of President Tsai?

In the past seven years, the Cai government has not done any reforms; but after the first two years, after a series of policies, the revolutionary operations stopped abruptly.By 2020, President Tsai used Hong Kong's "anti -repair" to make "dried mango" and re -elected with a high vote of 8.17 million. The Cai government took the pride of victory, and the governance was unsatisfactory.Since then, the courtyard has continued to expand power. In addition to the large number of people in the administrative organs, the green camps have been expanded, and they have also used political forces to influence the ruling of judicial and independent organs, including the use of online troops and the disadvantaged media, and do not care about tearing society with narrow value.At this point, the Cai government has embarked on the way back.

Compared to Chen Shuibian's last two years in the corruption mud, although the senior officials of the Cai government have not erupted such naked evils, the problems of collusion between the party's internal affairs and the co -governance of black gold have also continued to shape.When the Democratic Progressive Party condemned the Kuomintang when it was in the wild, it was even more unobstructed to do it after it was in power. The collusion techniques and form were renovated.These phenomena, in general, reflect the collective loss of the DPP's ideals.

The corruption of the Chen Shui -bian family, the Democratic Progressive Party still had at least "eleven pangs" and criticized, and his beliefs were not annihilated.However, for the loss of duty or degeneration of the Cai government, there was a sound of a crow in the DPP, and no one came forward.The most obvious example is that when the vaccine in Taiwan was urgent, the government team actually stopped the purchase of vaccines for the protection of high -end; after the outbreak of Lin Zhijian's thesis, Cai Yingwen still ordered the entire party to be strong.The Democratic Progressive Party shouted "the party and government and the army withdrew from the campus", but the Cai government was openly "card management" for a year, and even sacrificed three education ministers one after another.These may not be due to the insistence of Tsai Ing -wen alone, but she cannot respond to public opinion, unable to stop the narrowing governance in time, and is not being able to escape the responsibility of "leadership."Former legislator Guo Zhengliang announced yesterday that he had retired from the party. It was obviously unbearable. The word "different Tao is not the same as conspiracy" pierced the DPP's sinking heavy.

President Cai has not received media interviews for more than two years, and maybe he is unwilling to formally face public opinion.But if she doesn't know what the government's lack of governance is, if she can't see that Taiwan is backward backwards, here is a brief reminding her for her reference: First, the democracy in Taiwan is moving from the flowers to one party and the people and the people and the people.Entering the party's co -governance, and losing the moral foundation; the decentralized design of the constitutional government system in Taiwan has lost balance due to the DPP's specialty.Secondly, Taiwan's international visibility becomes eye -catching because the government is willing to survive the United States; but Taiwan's autonomy is greatly lost, and the danger of war has gradually increased.Third, the economy of Taiwan is even more inclined because of the new south direction; President Tsai's energy transformation policy is stubborn, it has laid a hidden concern for Taiwan's insufficient power supply. It is a bad sign of exports and industrial production in the past six months.Fourth, the social order in Taiwan becomes uneasy due to the flood of guns and drugs; the rampant of the fraud group has reached unprecedented, but the government helpless.Fifth, the prospects of youth are dim: the average salary of the younger generation is far inferior to its previous generation, and high house prices make house buying out of reach. The "little good luck" life they pursue suddenly faces the raid of military service and the battlefield.Dissatisfaction can be imagined.

The Democratic Progressive Party was in power for the second time. In the past seven years, it has indeed been reborn, becoming a bright and beautiful party, entering and leaving luxury cars, and talk about confidence.However, inspecting President Tsai's seven -year administration, compared with the development of society, it is completely incomparable; the DPP has not enriched the "country" and the people.Among them is the loss of the ideal of the DPP's ruling. As the head of state, Tsai Ing -wen should have the greatest responsibility.