Source: United Daily

Author: Yang Taishun

On the 17th, the Kuomintang often summoned Hou Youyi on behalf of the party to play in the 2024 presidential election.Guo Houzhi's battle for the seller of the media may end, but due to some discussion on the recruitment process, how the cracks in the party will be repaired are probably the headache for the Kuomintang's senior management.

The so -called "calling" should be the object of no wishes or disqualification, but the party organization's measures to measure various conditions still persuade, and even modify the rules, making the object's mind turn into a party candidate.However, the situation of Guo Hou's dispute was different, and both of them expressed their intention to strive to become a Kuomintang candidate.Since both sides express their positions, the party should follow the fair and public competitive procedures, let the two creations follow, and make the winners be upright and lingering.But as Ke Wenzhe ridiculed Guo Taiming, the Kuomintang's calling rules were unknown, and the participants were extremely risky.

The Kuomintang fully composed the meaning of the recruitment. On the one hand, the call can make Guo Dong, who is not qualified to be qualified to be included in consideration, and seems to help Guo Dan.Define the opportunity to express their opinions for most party members.If the Kuomintang really wants to Na Guo as an alternative object and participate in fair competition, it is feasible to temporarily join the party or open party membership.Do not follow this, but to make a summon bridge, let Guo Mi think that everything is a form, nominated by nominations, and even the common policy debates or political opinions on election campaigns are saved.In the end, I found that Zhao was tailoring for the opponent. How can Guo Fan swallow with the party members?

A convincing nomination procedure is the requirements of democratic parties. If you want to freeze the original procedure to change the call, the reason must be strong, otherwise it will be difficult to Duyou.Whether the recruited person can win is an important basis; but it is even more important whether the concept of administrative administration is in line with the core value of the party.Because those who can win the candidate must not be afraid of the primary election, but those who have ideas may not be willing to run, and it is necessary to call for.

The United States Republican recruited Eisenhower in 1952 and was recognized as a model of calling. It was occasionally copied until the 21st century.Aer's non -Republican member has been actively lobbying for his election since 1948, but Ai is unmoved.After entering the primaries, New York Governor Dewey was anxious, and he was afraid that Ayi's tiger tiger would not be nominated for the Republican Party.The half -pushing and half -pushed Ayi witnessed the first primary election and was moved, and then agreed to the Republican victory.

If Isehwell's high popularity and policies support the Republican Party, it is not reasonable to call on Aihi.But after the call, Ai must still go through a series of preliminary tests to prove that he has the ability to do one of the war.Compared with the US examples, Taiwan's "calling" seems to be rough, and it is even described as a bureau to show gambling.

The Kuomintang's participation in polls, county mayor and legislators' support decided to call the target, and they missed the spirit of calling.Because polls can only show the current public opinion support, it is not enough to prove the appropriateness of the future; the county mayor and legislators represent the vested interests within the party, and there is a gap with the general public opinion.Furthermore, in the past month's performance, Guo was obviously closer to the traditional value of the Kuomintang and has greater segmentation with the DPP.At that time, if the Republican Party adopted the Kuomintang's today's call, Eisenhower did not have a chance to qualify at all, because he only won at the end of the party conference.

When the Kuomintang decided to call at the beginning, he said that "tolerance" would be considered, but in the end, there was no ink.Whoever can restrain the opponent's test is difficult to evaluate because there is no competition; but the election requires money, of course, it also includes whether the bullet is sufficient.In this regard, the depletion of the fiscal rejection of the richest man in the opposition party obviously indicates the difficulty of future election.