Source: Surging News

Author: Chen Qinhan

On May 19, the red carpet was covered in Hiroshima Hiroshima Park after the rain. The Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Nakato and his wife Yuko welcomed the leaders of the Seven National Group (G7) summit.The background of the G7 group photo this year is the nuclear explosion comfortable monument and the dome. It is not so much a strong Japanese agenda element, it is a strong shore.

In order to show the huge damage caused by the atomic bomb and promote the "Nuclear Warless World" advocated by Kishida Wension, the Kishida couple personally explained and accompanied the leaders of the President Biden Biden to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum to learn aboutThe items and related information left by the person.Ironically, just the day before, the US -Japanese summit talks were indispensable for the "nuclear umbrella".

At a regular press conference on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 19, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the disaster and tragedy caused by nuclear weapons should not be repeated.On the surface, the Japanese side promotes the establishment of a nuclear -free weapon world, but in fact, it enjoys the "nuclear protection umbrella" in the United States, opposing and obstructing the United States to abandon the first use of nuclear weapons policies.We hope that the Japanese should not take a hypocritical position on related issues.

Since July last year, it was announced that the G7 summit will be held in Hiroshima. The Kishida government has experienced the internal and external crises and turns during the 10 -month preparation period.At the opening, the US President Biden Insurance was absent from negotiation due to debt crisis. On the day of the opening day, the news of Ukrainian President Zelezky would attend the meeting offline, full of variables.

For Japan, this is the most important home diplomacy this year.On the other side of Tian Wenxiong, this is a rare opportunity to play the protagonist in front of the western country.The Kishida government is working hard for its political considerations, but still facing a reality gap.

Call "nuclear no" in Hiroshima to the world

Kishida Wenxiong is the main proponent who selected the summit in Hiroshima, which is not only his constituency, but also his birthplace.The non -proliferation of nuclear disadvantages and nuclear disciplines that he has always advocated is also related to his origin.In an interview with Times Magazine, Kishida said that many relatives died in the Hiroshima nuclear explosion in 1945. The memory of his child included his grandmother telling him about the suffering of the nuclear explosion survivor."The inexplicable pain that Hiroshima and its people have undergone are clearly printed in my mind. This childhood experience is the main driving force for my pursuit of a nuclear weapon world."

It is for this reason that Hiroshima is of special significance in Kishida's career career.Seven years ago, the G7 Foreign Minister Conference was held in Hiroshima. The Kishida of the Japanese Foreign Minister and then the US Secretary of State Kerry and others visited the Peace Memorial Park. The then US President Barack Vishi Hiroshima after attending the G7 summit, KishidaAs a accompaniment and directly use English as an explanation to introduce the nuclear explosion of the dome building.The Japanese media said that Kishida has been proud of his role in the process of visiting Hiroshima in Obama, and it is specifically mentioned in the Kishida vision published in 2020: from division to coordination.Today, as Kishida, as the Prime Minister of Japan, it is also regarded as a political achievement as a political achievement.

G7 summit collectively visits the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is the first time. It can promote this event, and the Japanese side spent a lot of thoughts.According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), the Japanese side has negotiated with countries since December last year. The United States, Britain, and France have expressed their embarrassment.The United States was the party who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 78 years ago. It is also a large nuclear country. Britain and France also owns nuclear weapons.The Japanese side emphasized the Ukrainian situation as an important background. It is hoped that through this trip to convey peace information, it will eventually obtain the consent of all parties.As for whether the outside world's attention will apologize for the US and Nagasaki at the US and Nagasaki, the Japanese side knows that the difficulty is very difficult, and the United States has already showed no intention.

Western countries have different views on whether Kishida is really conveying peaceful intentions."Hiroshima has been destroyed by the atomic bomb, and is now called for peace as a peaceful city." Kishida Wenxiong recently explained the reason for the G7 summit in Hiroshima in an interview with Japanese media, saying that the place is "the most suitable place to call for peace."However, the electronic magazine announced by Times Magazine on May 9, as the cover character, the introduction text on the right side wrote: "The choice of Japan -Prime Minister Kishita Kishita will abandon decades of peaceism and let his country allow his countryBecome a real military country. "

According to NHK reports, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan raised objections to the cover of the magazine and negotiated with Time Magazine.Two days later, the title of the electronic version of the magazine changed to: "Prime Minister Kishida hopes to adhere to peacekeeping Japan to play an active role on the international stage." But the cover picture of the image of Kishida portraits still maintains the original text.

In fact, whether the Kishida government adheres to Peacelon, it is evident.In December last year, the Japanese government passed three security guarantee documents after the modified national security guarantee strategy, national defense strategy, and defense forces at the cabinet meeting.EssenceThis month, Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng confirmed that Japan was conducting consultation with NATO on the first contact office in Asia. Although he claimed that it was "not targeted at a specific country", it also conveyed the so -called concerns about the surrounding areas, including North Korea and China.

On the first day of the Hiroshima Summit, security issues were discussed, including issues of disarmament and non -diffusion of nuclear disarmament.As we all know, Kishida Wenxiong has always showed the image of Japan as a victim of nuclear weapons to the international community, calling on the future of non -nuclearization. In a speech in the United Nations headquarters last year, "Let Nagasaki a city that was bombed by nuclear weapons"The plan includes not to use nuclear weapons and nuclear arsenal to maintain transparency, and promise nuclear do not spread.

However, in terms of "no nuclearization", Japan not only did not join the ban on nuclear weapons, but also under the US nuclear umbrella.Mayor Hiroshima and Mayor Nagasaki have always called for the ban on nuclear weapons, but the Japanese government has not taken this step, and Kishida is no exception.In 2022, the Kishida government decided not to participate in the first meeting of the contracting party for the prohibition of nuclear weapon treaties held in Austria, nor did they participate as observers.According to Kyodo News, relevant US government personnel revealed that at that time, the Bayeng government asked Japan not to attend the meeting as an observer through diplomatic channels.

At the Hiroshima Summit, the G7 discussed the nuclear disarmament under the initiative of Japan, but the United States, Britain, and France were nuclear countries. Although there were no nuclear weapons in the G7 countries, it was either the United States deployed nuclear weapons in the United States or in the United States "nuclear umbrella"under.Moreover, the fact that the nuclear issue has not been completely resolved regardless of whether it is on the Korean Peninsula or Iran, and there are various possibilities on the Ukrainian battlefield.Kishida's intended to be nuclear for disarmament may also become a bubble.

Bridge of "Southern Global"

Kishida Wenxiong proposed "realistic diplomatic diplomacy in the new era", but essentially continued Japan's consistent diplomatic strategy -based on the Japan -US alliance as the cornerstone, strengthen cooperation with the so -called like -minded country, seeking for regional peace and regional peace and regional peace and regionProsperity and even the international community contribute.It is under such a foreign strategy that Kishida proposed a bridge to do "Global South", but about what exactly is "Global Southern", Japanese officials have not given clear definitions.No.

"Japan will be the rotating chairman of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) to listen to the voices of the global southern countries and strengthen the participation." Kishida Wenxiong said at the Liberal Democratic Party meeting on April 10.He visited the four African countries (Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, and Mozambique) in April, and created momentum for Hiroshima Summit.

Japan consciously emphasizes the concept of "Southern Global" this year, and for the first time in the diplomatic blue book released in April, it proposed to strengthen cooperation with the "Global South", and it also rationally incorporated this focus on the G7 summit.However, Japanese officials have never officially defined "Global South".The use is relatively loose, the scope is limited to non -developing countries, and it is easily affected by the international situation in terms of economic and other factors.

Japanese political diplomats generally believe that "Global Southern" points to developing countries and emerging market countries, mainly southern hemispheres such as Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East. The important information transmitted by these countries is "de -polarization", andIt is necessary for Japan to strengthen cooperation with it.Kishida Wenxiong borrowed G7 to quickly shorten the distance from "Global Southern", and invited many countries including India, Vietnam, Brazil, and Africa's rotating chairman Guo Moro to participate in the meeting.He once said: "Japan will become a bridge between the global south and European and American countries."

Japan regards Africa as the core member of "Global Southern".In August last year, Kishida Wenxiong said when attending the International Conference on Development of Tokyo and Africa that he would support Africa through the development of human resources and high -quality investment, and announced that it would provide a total of US $ 30 billion in the next three years (S $ 40.3 billion)Assistance.When visiting the four African countries in April this year, Kishida carried out the economic assistance to various countries.

A Honorary professor of international political science at the University of Tokyo said that Fujiwara Guohara said that if Japan wants to get closer to the "Southern Global", it is specifically to compete with China for economic assistance, but only this item cannot be able to do it.Reach the goal.The biggest challenge is not to spend money, but to establish an international order including global southern countries.

Japan Times analysis said that G7 countries are becoming more and more aware of the need to strengthen cooperation with emerging countries and developing countries to check and balance the influence of China and Russia.However, most of the global southern countries have not joined the West to impose sanctions on Russia to avoid standing by the competition between China and the United States.This means that G7 wants to win their support may be a difficult task unless providing substantial incentives or persuasive reasons.

Diplomacy in the name of G7

For Kishida, the G7 is an important part of his political career, especially in the current situation of Japanese political turmoil.The discussion and results of G7 will not only affect the international situation, but also control the Japanese domestic affairs bureau.Kishida wanted to seize the opportunity of G7 to pave the way for the Liberal Democratic Party in the House of Representatives.

Since last summer, the original "unified church" problem unveiled the chaos in Japanese political scenes. After that, many cabinet ministers resigned due to the scandal, and the cabinet support rate continued to decline.The Kishida government is facing multiple crises.After more than four years of foreign minister, Kishida hopes to reorganize through the diplomatic field that he is good at.This year coincides with the chairman of the G7 round of G7 and the re -election of the United Nations Security Council is very appointed, and take the opportunity to vigorously carry out diplomacy.

Kishida started the diplomatic show in the name of G7 since the beginning of this year.From January 9th to 15th, Kishida visited the five European and American members of the G7 -France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.It is a common theme, but it is also taking this opportunity to further strengthen defense and security cooperation with other countries.

In the UK, Kishida and British Prime Minister Sonak signed a mutually beneficial access agreement designed to facilitate bilateral defense and security cooperation, and the procedures for the implementation of cooperation such as shipping and joint exercises were simplified.In Italy, the two parties negotiate the establishment of a consultation mechanism between diplomatic and defense departments.In France, Kishida and French President Macron unanimously stated that the partnership between the two countries in the Asia -Pacific region was strengthened.

In March, Kishida Wenxiong's "Lightning" suddenly visited Ukraine also attracted many attention.Since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, Japan has always maintained a unified step with the G7 countries in terms of assistance to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia.Japanese media said that after visiting Ukraine by the British and American French and German heads, Kishida was aware that as the head of the G7 round -value chairman, visiting Ukraine is an important way to show gesture, and the Ukraine issue is one of the important issues of the G7 summit.He hopes to preside over and discuss after checking the local situation in person.

This was the first time that the Japanese Prime Minister visited a theater after World War II.As Kishida has performed in diplomacy and support rates, some analysts believe that he may disrupt the House of Representatives in advance and hold a general election.Since the end of March, Kishida Wenxiong has been frequently asked by reporters. He himself has been decisively denied until he answered this question on May 15th, and his statement has changed subtle changes.But adding that the timing of dissolution "will make appropriate decisions based on the future situation."

The term of office of the Japanese House of Representatives is four years, but for political considerations, the prime minister's dismissal of the House of Representatives's early election has become the norm.The next House of Representatives should be in 2025, but as the Presidential Election of the Liberal Democratic Party will be held in the fall of 2024, the possibility of dissolution of the House of Representatives will be greatly increased before that.Japanese media believe that after the G7 summit end, Kishida Wenxiong may take the opportunity to dissolve the House of Representatives.