(Beijing Comprehensive News) China ’s state -owned aircraft manufacturer China Shangfei has set up offices in Asia outside China.compete.

Bloomberg Society on Wednesday (September 11) quoted people familiar with the matter and said that the Chinese COMAC may be announced in Hong Kong as soon as next month, and said that the reason for Hong Kong is because of familiarity and geographical location.

Another person familiar with the matter said that COMAC is also exploring the options for opening offices in Singapore.New Da City, which is close to the Central Business District of Singapore, is considering, but there is no precise decision.

Bloomberg reports that China Commercial Flying is to persuade foreign airlines to purchase its C919 large passenger aircraft, which will compete directly with Airbus A320 and Boeing 737.Airbus and Boeing have sales and maintenance facilities in the world, and provide supply chain and spare parts support at almost every airport.

There is almost no business outside China.> So far, there are no overseas buyers of C919.At the same time, the C919 has not been certified by other national security regulators, so it cannot be commercially flying outside China.

Hong Kong and Singapore are the first two places for Chinese Shangfei to exhibit C919 overseas.The company exhibited C919 at the Singapore Aviation Show in February this year. The aircraft also flew over the Hong Kong Victoria Harbor in December last year.

The Global Times quoted Wang Yaman, an aviation expert of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said that the Chinese Shangfei chose to display the C919 at the Singapore Aviation Show. One of the reasons is that Southeast Asia may be the main market of C919 in the future.

C919 is a global new -generation single -channel trunk passenger aircraft developed in accordance with the international traffic standards and has completely independent intellectual property rights. In September 2022, the China Civil Aviation Administration Qualified Certificate was obtained. In NovemberThe world's first C919 was delivered to China Oriental Airlines in December.