The House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress passed the Certification Law of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, requiring the revocation of privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States.The Hong Kong Government has strongly condemned the US House of Representatives to leave the bill on Wednesday (September 11) to vilify the law of Hong Kong to maintain national security and discredit the human rights of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong government issued a statement on the official website that in order to seek political purposes, the House of Representatives of the United States distorted the facts, deliberately attacked Hong Kong, violated the basic criteria of international law and international relations, and interfered roughly in Hong Kong affairs.And strong condemnation.

Statement saying that the bill deceives themselves. The United States has the most severe national security law, but wants to dual standards, maliciously slander the impartiality and legitimate purpose of the Hong Kong National Security Law and maintain the national security regulations.The constitutional responsibility and inherent rights of national security, slandering the fact that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government properly protects the facts of human rights and the rule of law in accordance with the law, and crudely interfere with Hong Kong affairs.

Statement pointed out that this political operation not only maliciously attack the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the United States Economic and Trade Office to promote the normal economic and trade relations and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and the United States, and even advocate the closure of the economic and trade offices, which seriously disrupts normal economic and trade relations.The SAR government must rebuke it directly and strongly condemn.

Statement said that the Hong Kong government has been established and maintained economic and trade relations with the world in accordance with the principle of "one country, two systems", and established 14 overseas economic and trade offices worldwide as official representatives of the SAR local, including the establishment of the United StatesThree economic and trade offices.The Economic and Trade Office of Hong Kong in Washington, New York and San Francisco has been operating in accordance with local laws.The successful operation of the three economic and trade offices in the United States is conducive to expanding the pragmatic cooperation in different areas of Hong Kong and the United States. It is a matter of mutual benefit and win -win situation.

The statement also said that the United States has great economic benefits in Hong Kong. The US trade surplus in Hong Kong has reached US $ 271.5 billion (S $ 369.2 billion) in the past 10 years, which is the highest among its global trading partners.1200 American companies have business in Hong Kong.If the United States is intended to do it alone, borrowing the certification bill of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office to destroy the mutual benefit of Hong Kong and the United States, it will eventually harm the interests of the United States and its enterprises.

At the end of the statement, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an unspeal part of the People's Republic of China.One of the main purpose of formulating the Hong Kong National Security Law and maintaining national security regulations is to improve the legal system and implementation mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain national security, and to maintain the prosperity and stability of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.The law enforcement actions adopted by law enforcement agencies in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are carried out in accordance with the law and strictly in accordance with the law, which has nothing to do with the occupation, background or political position of relevant persons.Hong Kong has a stable and highly transparent legal system.The SAR Government will continue to support judicial institutions independently in accordance with the law and unswervingly safeguarding the rule of law in Hong Kong.

The House of Representatives of the U.S. Parliament had previously passed a bill with an overwhelming voting result to ask the administrative department to revoke the privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States in the United States.Members of the two parties said that Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom have been fully damaged, and Washington must adjust its policies to avoid Beijing's use of the previous legitimacy of Hong Kong to penetrate into the US system.