(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) David Missal, a member of German human rights organizations studying in Hong Kong and mainland China, said that after he flew from Beijing to Hong Kong, the SAR government refused to allow him to enter.This is a foreign activist who has been rejected in Hong Kong at least the third place this year.

According to Agence France -Presse, Mu Dawei posted on social media on Sunday (September 8th) that after 13 hours of non -timeout inspection, he was asked about the stay in Hong Kong, who met, what person to meet, the mainland school experience, experience in the mainland, and the experience of studying in the mainland, and the experience of studying in the mainland.Organizations of the current work, etc., the Hong Kong Immigration Department refused to allow him to enter.He was finally allowed to take the opportunity to go to Vietnam, and his luggage was searched.

Mu Dawei told the optical media based on Taiwan that he was the first time that he was rejected in Hong Kong.Before going to Hong Kong, he was not treated in mainland China for many days. "I am surprised that I can enter China (Mainland), but I cannot enter Hong Kong!"

According to Ming Pao, Mu Dawei was a reporter who could speak fluent Chinese.In 2018, when he was studying at Tsinghua University, he was suspected to leave the mainland because he was paying attention to the mainland rights protection lawyer. His visa did not extend, and then transferred to the University of Hong Kong.

Mu Dawei is currently the deputy director of the Tibet Initiative of Germany, and also founded the organization "Free Hong Kong" with Huang Tingyang, the founder of the "local democratic front line" that has been politically protected in Germany.He said that he did not enter Tibet, but in the Tibetan area near Sichuan, he was a leisure tourism in the mainland and Hong Kong.

The VOA claims that Hong Kong refusal activities have become increasingly frequent.The Taipei initiative organized by a non -border reporter was refused to enter the country when he arrived in Hong Kong in April this year; a Japanese social movement supported by the Hong Kong Revision Movement was also refused to enter Hong Kong in June.

In response to Mu Dawei's refusal to enter the country, the Hong Kong Entry Department said that without commenting on cases, it will handle each entry application in accordance with relevant laws and policies.

The Hong Kong Immigration Office announced last week that the pre -reported passenger data system was launched to block the "uncomfortable person" to take the opportunity to go to Hong Kong.