Liang Zhenying, vice chairman of the Chinese CPPCC National Committee, said on Wednesday (September 11) that some Western countries in the past few years say that China's opening up is backward. He believes that this is not a fact, and China will continue to deepen reform and opening up.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio and reported that Liang Zhenying said at the 2024 Hong Kong International Biotechnology Forum held on the same day that in the past few years, some Western countries have been in their own political purposes, saying that China's opening up is being open.Round backward, but this is not the case from his frequent and fixed visit to the mainland.

Liang Zhenying said that China ’s reform and opening up in the past 46 years is an important force. Hong Kong has also been deeply affected by reform. At present, it has come to the stage of comprehensive deepening reform. At this stageImportant role.

He said that in the past, Hong Kong has done insufficient development in development. In 2007, the SAR Government reorganized the original Industry and Commerce and Science and Technology Bureau into the Business and Economic Development Bureau.When the Chief Executive, the Chief Executive proposed the establishment of the Business and Science and Technology Bureau, but under the obstruction of the opposition, the new policy bureau was successfully established until the third year of taking office.

Liang Zhenying said that at present, the development of the science park is successful, and there is also a Hong Kong -Shenzhen -river set area. It is believed that Hong Kong should further integrate with the city of the Greater Bay Area. The first thing to do is deepen the understanding of other cities in the Greater Bay Area.

Liang Zhenying also said that in terms of private enterprises, in the future, private companies need to support the scientific resources of the frontier of the country.In terms of education, he hopes that in the future, he will make more science and engineering universities in the first echelon of foreign countries to cooperate with Chinese universities.