(Hong Kong News) Green and peaceful environmental protection organizations say that 85%of the stool samples of common animals in Hong Kong contain micro -plastic, calling on the Hong Kong government and enterprises to reduce plastic from the source.

Green Peace Monday (September 9) released the first study of micro -plastic in Hong Kong's first country mammal animal feces on the official website.Studies stated that the feces of the five common animals of bulls, oxen, East Asia, wild boars, and Monkey Monkey contain micro -plastic.

Green Heping Press Release said that the research team collected 100 septic samples in the sampling points of the seven suburbs of Hong Kong in 2022, 85%of which contain micro -plastic, showing that the problem of micro -plastic in the countryside of Hong Kong's countrys is common.

Christelle Not, a senior lecturer at the Department of Gejukia at the University of Hong Kong, believes that the research results show that wild animals can still take micro -plastic from the environment even from the location of urban and human activities."As more and more studies the natural environment, animals, and even the human body found micro -plastic in different regions, plastic pollution has become a topic that is urgent to solve in the world."

Tan Yinglin, director of the Green Peace Project, also said that micro -plastic detected in the feces includes polypropylene that is commonly abandoned plastic packaging and takeaway tableware."It is difficult to clean up when the micro -plastic is falling into the environment, and it will continue to accumulate to increase the risk of entering the food chain. The government should not let the enterprises produce plastic unlimitedly, otherwise the entire ecosystem will be difficult to escape 'plastic."

The first stage of Hong Kong control, that is, the abandonment of plastic tableware will be officially implemented this year.However, green peace pointed out that the second stage control of gum -gum tableware covers more takeaway, which covers more abandoned amounts, has been implemented to this day.

Green and peace appealed that Hong Kong's political and business circles should take the lead in formulating plastic reduction policies, while supporting the global plastic conventions held at the end of the year, striving to set the goals of global plastic reduction and reuse systems, and block plastic pollution from the source.