The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act on Tuesday (September 10). If the Senate also voted and passed and submitted to the presidential signing law, it was expected to take effect at the end of the year.closure.

The interviewed Hong Kong scholars believe that the incident will bring a negative impact on Hong Kong. It is necessary for the Hong Kong government to strengthen exchanges with people in Europe and the United States, explaining that Hong Kong is still a good investment in a good investment.

Although Hong Kong is not an independent country of sovereignty, the three economic and trade offices in the United States are currently in accordance with international organization exemption rights and can enjoy similar to the embassy -level diplomatic privilege, including being exempted from being searched and confiscated by US law enforcement officers.Protective.

The US House of Representatives is 3 votes on Tuesday local time with 3 votes, overwhelmingly passed the above bill.According to the bill, the U.S. administrative department shall certify whether the three Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office can continue the current privilege within 30 days of the bill.If the United States certified that they should not enjoy diplomatic treatment, they have the right to force them to close them within 180 days, otherwise they can extend their operation for one year or until the next evaluation time.

Guo Fengyi, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Democratic Commission Council, which actively promotes the bill, said that the bill was overwhelmed, showing that Hong Kong issues have obtained a high consensus and wide support of the United States.The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco (San Francisco) is almost undoubtedly ".

She said that the bill of Hong Kong issues has always been reached through several years of fighting.= NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> For example, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts lasted for five years , and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act was passed by the House of Representatives in only two years.Hong Kong Act.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said on Wednesday (September 11) that Chinese side opposes the US side to the United States to manipulate Hong Kong -related issues and the bad behavior of the development of Hong Kong.Negotiated.

Mao Ning pointed out that Hong Kong is the second largest source of trade surplus in the United States. More than 1,200 companies in the United States invest in Hong Kong to develop their business. The U.S. approach will eventually only harm the interests of the United States.The stability and development of the United States have caused greater harm. If the United States is intended, China will take practical and effective measures to resolutely counterc counter.

The Hong Kong Government issued a press release after two hours of the bill, which strongly condemned the US House of Representatives to falsely use the bill to slander Hong Kong's laws to maintain national security and discredit the human rights of Hong Kong.

The press release pointed out that in order to achieve political purposes, distort the facts, deliberately attack Hong Kong, violate the basic criteria of international law and international relations, and to interfere with Hong Kong affairs roughly.

The Hong Kong Government currently has 14 overseas economic and trade offices around the world.> It is the official representative of Hong Kong in the local area.The Chief Executive Li Jiachao revealed on Tuesday that the official plans to open the Economic and Trade Affairs Affairs Affairs Office in the Saudi Arabian capital of Lyah and the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

The Hong Kong letter published on Wednesday, which pointed out that whether the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs Office in the United States was forced to close it temporarily unknown. However, the Hong Kong Government must make the worst plans, and the "new McCarthyism" of Washington has come one after another.In the face of such a situation, the personnel of the economic and trade office should be psychologically prepared.

Kong Yongle, a lecturer at the School of Government Affairs and Policy Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, believes that in the United Za posters, the United States Democratic Party and Republican Party have tended to be negative in Hong Kong in recent years. It is expected that the probability of the United States will eventually pass the bill is very high.He believes that after passing the bill, it will bring some negative impact on Hong Kong.For the American business community, Sino -US relations have not significantly improved, and the risk of investing in and business in Hong Kong is getting higher and higher.This will also affect the European business community's political risk assessment of Hong Kong, and it will be more difficult for Hong Kong to attract European and American foreign capital in the future.

Kong Yongle said that in the second half of the year of the Hong Kong Government, it is necessary to have more in-depth exchanges with business people in Europe, America, especially European regions, explain to them why Hong Kong still has a good investment in business environment .As for countermeasures, he believes that Hong Kong is just a city, and countermeasures should be left to the central government to decide, "Before the presidential election of the United States, it is estimated that Beijing will not launch severe countermeasures."