David Missal, a member of the German human rights organization studying in Hong Kong and mainland China, said that when he flew from Beijing to Hong Kong, he was rejected by the Hong Kong Entry Department.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and AFP reported that Mudwei posted on social media on Sunday (September 8) that after 13 hours of non -time inspection, he was rejected to enter Hong Kong and was finally allowed to take over.Go to Vietnam.

Mu Dawei said that he used to go to China to avoid visa treatment, and then he was transferred from Beijing to Hong Kong, but he was not allowed to enter the country.He also said that his luggage was searched.

According to Mu Dawei, a refusal notice issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, Mu Dawei was transferred from Beijing Daxing Airport to Hong Kong. Last Saturday (7th) arrived.He told Ming Pao that he did not enter Tibet, but in the Tibetan area near Sichuan, he was a leisure tourism in the mainland and Hong Kong.He said that during the inquiry period, he was asked what plans to stay in Hong Kong, who met, who met in the mainland, the organization of the mainland, and the organization of the present work.

Mu Dawei, who fucks fluent Chinese, was a reporter. When he was studying at Tsinghua University in 2018, he was suspected that he was concerned about the mainland rights protection lawyer who was refused to extend his visa and left the mainland.The deputy director of the Tibet Initiative (Tibet Initiative), at the same time, founded the organization "Freedom Hong Kong" in the founder of the "local democratic front line" in Germany and local political asylum.

In response to Mu Dawei's rejection of entry, the Hong Kong Entry Department responded that there was no comment on individual cases. The department would handle each entry case in accordance with relevant laws and policies.

A reporter from the Borders said earlier that the organization of the Taipei initiative was refused to enter the Hong Kong International Airport on April 10 this year, and was detained for six hours to receive questions.