The House of Representatives of the United States passed the Certification Law of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it had negotiated with the United States and urged the United States to stop promoting this bill, otherwise measures will be taken to resolutely countermeasures.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said on Wednesday (September 11) at a regular press conference that it has expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the bad behavior of Hong Kong development on the United States, and it has already opposed it.Proposal to the United States with a serious negotiation.

Mao Ning said that the above bills make normal economic and trade cooperation politics, tools, and deliberately discredit the Hong Kong foreign institutions, and the nature is very bad.

She also pointed out that Hong Kong is the second largest source of trade surplus in the United States. More than 1,200 companies in the United States invest in Hong Kong to develop their business. The move will eventually only harm the interests of the United States.

Mao Ning emphasized that the Chinese side urged the United States to stop promoting the above bills to avoid greater harm to the stability and development of Sino -US relations.Essence

The U.S. House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the United States reviewed and passed the certification law of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office on September 10, local time, and requested that the administrative department requested whether the three offices of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States in the United States can extend the current in 30 days of the bill.Enjoy the privilege and exemption.The bill still needs to be reviewed by the Senate.

The Hong Kong government has condemned earlier on Wednesday, saying that the US House of Representatives had borrowed the bill to slander Hong Kong's laws of maintaining national security and discrediting the human rights of Hong Kong.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States has also negotiated to the United States, calling on the United States to stop deliberately discrediting the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and its foreign agencies and stop intervention in Hong Kong affairs and Chinese internal affairs.