Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily published on Tuesday (September 10) in a column of "Big Chessboard" stating that the new policy report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will be published next month.Or reduce the liquor tax, and said that the Hong Kong Government responded positively to relevant suggestions.

The article said that the issue of deduction of liquor taxes has been discussed in Hong Kong for many years. At present, the concentration of alcohol concentration of the alcohol concentration of the alcohol of the Hong Kong government is more than 30%of the alcohol.There are much taller in the neighboring area.

The article states that the most direct opposition to the lenient reduction of liquor tax must come from the medical community.However, the article quoted the data when the Hong Kong Government responded to the Hong Kong Legislative Council in July that the per capita drinking volume did not significantly increase since the Hong Kong government exempts the red wine tax in 2008.

The article mentioned that the two major political parties of the Legislative Council and the Civil Affairs Federation, as well as individual members, have pushed the Hong Kong government this year to reduce or revoke the spirits tax.

The article wrote that it is reported that the Hong Kong Government's internal reaction to the recommended response to the liquor tax on the Hong Kong Government, but the Medical and Health Bureau still pay attention to whether it will affect the health of the citizens, but the financial affairs and treasury bureaus responsible for income and tax policies, which are responsible for income and tax policiesIt is reported that the economic income brought by the adjustment of the after -tax tax is also greater than the original spirits tax.

The article goes to say that there must be a substantial estimated figure in other words to ensure that after tax cuts can be "reduced due to reduction", it is expected to be adjusted.

The article also quoted the unnamed Hong Kong political party person described that the spiritual wine tax was only a slight end in the economic initiative of the past policy report or the financial budget;It is believed that to a certain extent, the Hong Kong Government has boiled the number of economic policies. "The economic transition period faced by Hong Kong may have a bigger difficulty than expected."

According to the Hong Kong East Network on Saturday (September 7), the Hong Kong Essential Wine Industry strives to reduce the tax reduction industry earlier to visit the 132 wicked wine industry, and found that all those who interviewed the industry owner were all in the industry.The tax rate of identification of liquor should be maintained below 50%.in.46%advocate the taxation method of reference to Macau, that is, levy 10%of the price and tax, and increased an additional 20 Macau currency (S $ 3.25) per liter.Another 27%of the respondents supported the exactly cancellation tariffs on spirits.

The alliance said that Hong Kong is currently engaged in alcohol import trade, wholesale retail, and even bars, and has faced severe operating conditions.