Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao Monday (September 9) emphasized that the SAR government fully supports charity affairs, and Hong Kong attracts family offices to Hong Kong.Charity investment and funds to Hong Kong will help consolidate Hong Kong as an international charitable center.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong 01 reported that in his speech at the Hong Kong International Charity Forum at the Hong Kong International Charity Forum, Li Jiachao said that the development of Hong Kong's charity is closely related to attracting the Global Family Office and asset owners to settle in Hong Kong.The Hong Kong government is happy to actively encourage the next generation to engage in good karma, and plan the inheritance arrangements for family wealth and charity.

Li Jiachao said that the government is committed to making Hong Kong a international charitable center and will propose favorable policy support. The government is committed to attracting the family office to Hong Kong. I believe that the family office is increasing wealth and has a positive impact on society.At present, about 2,700 family offices are operated in Hong Kong, half of which are established by those with a value of $ 50 million (S $ 65 million) or above.