When Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, interviewed in France, introduced to the local business and financial community to complete the business environment of Hong Kong after the legislation of the Basic Law, promoted the unique advantages of Hong Kong, and encouraged French companies to go to Hong Kong.Create business opportunities.

According to the Hong Kong Newsletter, Chen Maobo launched a visit to Paris, France on Thursday (May 23), and attended the business breakfast lunch.Article 23 The business environment of Hong Kong after the legislative, the overview of economic and trade investment in Hong Kong and the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and the strengthening of Hong Kong and France's cooperation in green and transforming finance.

Chen Maobo said that under the "one country, two systems", Hong Kong continued to implement the common law to maintain a freely open, friendly and efficient business environment, freely circulating funds, goods, personnel, and information.The financial regulatory system is in line with international standards, and the rule of law is good.

Chen Maobo also focused on introducing the policies and results of the Hong Kong Government to actively attract enterprises and talents, and encouraged French financial institutions and enterprises to use Hong Kong as a platform to open up the mainland and Asian markets.

Chen Maobo subsequently visited Prophesee, an enterprise developed by French -developed sensor chips.He welcomes enterprises to set up research and production bases in Hong Kong, and make full use of Hong Kong's vigorous and developed financing platforms to strengthen its business and continue to develop.

In addition, Chen Maobo also visited RATP, a company operating the Paris public transportation system.He said that there will be several large projects and new development zones in Hong Kong in the future. Among them, different transportation networks are involved. Ratp is welcome to actively consider participation and bring relevant knowledge and technology to Hong Kong.