The "Provincial and Hong Kong University Strikes" that broke out in 1925, the 100th anniversary of next year, Huang Guo, the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Industry, asked a written inquiry to ask the Patriotic Education Working Group under the Promotion and Supervision Committee of the Constitution and the Basic Law.The 100th anniversary of the "Provincial and Hong Kong University strikes" launched patriotic education activities.Zeng Guowei, the director of the Hong Kong Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau, replied in writing on Wednesday (May 22) that the Kangle and Cultural Affairs Department plans to hold a lecture on public and educational activities next year to deepen the citizens' understanding of the history of the State University's strike.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Zeng Guowei said that in response to the centennial exhibition of the "Provincial and Hong Kong University Strikes", the Kangle and Cultural Affairs Department are exploring the feasibility of the proposal, including cooperation with the cultural and cultural institutions of the mainland to use it to use it to cooperate with the mainland cultural institutions to use it to cooperate with the mainland cultural institutions to in orderEnrich related exhibits and historical materials.In addition, the department also plans to hold public and educational activities next year, such as lectures to deepen the citizens' understanding of the history of the State and Hong Kong University.

In addition, Zeng Guowei also mentioned that the "Patriotic Education Working Group" led by the "Constitution and Basic Law Promotion and Supervision Committee" led by the Department of Government Affairs was established.The group will put forward suggestions and policies and measures on the effective implementation of patriotic education.

He said that the working group is inviting all sectors of the society to make suggestions on how to effectively promote patriotic education. He also learned that there was suggestions to promote the promotion of the historical matters of the past trade union in Hong Kong.Suggestions are made to consider and make specific suggestions.