Hong Kong Customs reported to detect the largest money laundering case. The amount involved was about HK $ 14 billion (about S $ 2.4 billion), and seven people were arrested.

The Hong Kong Customs passed the Hong Kong Government Bulletin on Friday (February 16) to report the above news.

According to the communiqué, the Hong Kong Customs adopted law enforcement operations code -named "Dawn" on January 30 to disintegrate a large multinational money cleaning group with about 14 billion Hong Kong dollars with multinational trade activities and smashed a money laundering black money laundering.Operations Center.The Customs arrested seven suspected people involved in the CCP and frozen a total of about 165 million Hong Kong dollars in their name.Calculated in the black money involved in the case, this case is the largest money laundering case that the customs have always cracked.

Hong Kong customs personnel lock a suspected cleaning money group and launched a wealth survey according to the information.The customs found that the money laundering group operated in a family -like operation. It not only opened a number of companies and multiple bank registrations in Hong Kong, but also recruited Hong Kong people to open an empty shell company and puppet residence through the intermediary, and used the company's hukou to handle a total of about 14 billion yuan.Hong Kong dollar is suspected to be sinned.

The investigation also found that some black money originated from Indian mobile app fraud.The money laundering group took the benefit of fraud and crimes on the grounds of exporting jewelry and diamonds to India, so as to transfer illegal funds from India to the Hong Kong company's bank account controlled by the group.

After in -depth investigation, Hong Kong Customs personnel took law enforcement operations on January 30, racing 11 places in many districts in Hong Kong, and in accordance with the organizational and serious crimes,Or believe in the benefit of the benefit of the crime of public prosecution (commonly known as black money laundering) to arrest four Chinese people and three non -Chinese people., Backbone and grass -roots members, and intermediaries who recruit puppet residences.

Hong Kong customs personnel have also broken a money laundering operation center located in the commercial office at the same time, and in the residential and multiple commercial buildings involved in the case, a large number of suspected artificial gemstones, multiple port telephones, computers, and companiesSeal, bank checkbook, bank card, bank document and entry and exit documents.

The case is still under investigation. Seven arrested people are currently being released on bail, and more people will be arrested.

According to the regulations, if anyone knows or has reasonable reasons to believe in any property, regardless of all, direct or indirectly, it means that anyone can handle the benefit of the crime of public prosecution, and it will still deal withcrime.Once convicted, the maximum of HK $ 5 million and imprisonment for 14 years can be confiscated.