Since entering the winter influenza season in early January, Hong Kong's influenza virus positive ratio last week was 6.38%, and a total of 20 adult influenza deaths were recorded during the period.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Dongwang reports, the Hong Kong Health Protection Center announced that the influenza virus detection positive ratio increased from the previous week last week, and the influenza -related admission rate is still higher than the baseline level.

The latest monitoring data shows that from February 4th to 10th, the influenza virus -positive ratio is 6.38%, which is less than 9.21%of the baseline level, but higher than 5.22%recorded the previous week.From February 4th to 14th, 29 adults confirmed the flu and need to stay in a deep treatment department or death case, of which 20 were deaths.

In addition, during this period, there were two cases of complications related to influenza in children. The patient was a three -year -old girl and an 11 -year -old boy.Girls have severe pneumonia after influenza, and encephalitis occurs after boys infected, and both infected with A -type H3 influenza.

In terms of coronary virus, the Hong Kong Health Protection Center recorded 644 confirmed cases last week, with a positive proportion of 8.92%. The amount of sewage monitoring virus was higher than the previous week, showing that the virus activity increased slightly.