The international mediation institute, which is led by China and aimed at mediation of international disputes, will become the first international legal organization in the establishment of headquarters in Hong Kong.Some interviewed scholars believe that this will help build Hong Kong as a global "mediation capital".

Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, announced the above news on social networking sites on Wednesday (February 14), and said that the official will further explain to the Legislative Council ’s work team at the end of this month.Council support.

Lin Dingguo said that Hong Kong has successfully held a meeting of the Convention on the Convention on the International Mediation Institute in the near future. After the consultation of all parties, all parties decided that after the establishment of the International Mediation Institute, the host country was China and the headquarters was the Hong Kong Special Economic Zone of China.The negotiations are currently advancing in an orderly manner. After the Convention is passed and effective, the headquarters of the International Mediation Institute will officially settle in Hong Kong.

He pointed out that the completed international mediation institute will be the world's first international legal organization that specializes in mediation to solve international disputes. It will also be the first intergovernmental international organization in Hong Kong.There are dispute settlement agencies and methods to form a useful supplement, providing new choices for peaceful resolution of international disputes.

Lin Dingguo emphasized that the Hong Kong Government will continue to provide a solid guarantee for the future operation of the International Mediation Institute with the guidance and support of the central government.

Data show that after the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in China, China drafted and reached a joint statement on the establishment of an international mediation institute in 2022 with the "country with similar concepts".Provide mediation services to provide "friendly, flexible, economical, and convenient" solutions for various international disputes. It is claimed to surpass the limitations of "you lose me" such as "you loses me" such as judicial and arbitration.Indonesia, Pakistan, Laos, Cambodia, Serbia, Beros, Sudan, Algeria, and Djibati are all signing countries of joint statements.

With the strong support of the Chinese government, the Preparatory Office of the International Mediation Institute was established in Hong Kong at the beginning of last year to negotiate the relevant international conventions and handle the site selection procedure at the headquarters of the International Mediation Institute.

According to the Hong Kong 01 report, the Hong Kong Department of Justice submitted the impact of the cultural relics impact assessment report to the Ancient Site Office in December last year that if the Hong Kong government successfully strives to set up the headquarters of the International Mediation Court in Hong Kong, it is necessary to rebuild the Wan Chai Police Station as soon as possible and complete it in mid -2025.EssenceThe proposed reconstruction projects include adding security check areas, receptions, main entrances and back doors, exhibition areas and souvenir shops, conference rooms and open -air parking lots on the ground floor.Storage room and so on.

Dr. Chen Xiaofeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, pointed out in the United Morning Post that the headquarters of the International Mediation Institute was settled in Hong Kong, which is a great news for Hong Kong.This will definitely attract all parties, mediation officers, lawyers and other professionals to mediate in Hong Kong, thereby injecting strong kinetic energy into the vision of the construction of the Asia -Pacific region's international law and dispute resolution service centers in Hong Kong.

Chen Xiaofeng believes that the Chinese government supports Hong Kong in the headquarters of the International Mediation Institute this time, reflecting Beijing's attention and trust in Hong Kong's rule of law, and helping Hong Kong to become the international image of the global "mediation capital".Hong Kong should take advantage of this opportunity to actively go out to promote the advantages of the rule of law and international mediation in Hong Kong, so that more government organizations, enterprises and private people are willing to choose to mediate in Hong Kong to solve the dispute.

Chen Xiaofeng also said that because most countries currently participating in the establishment of the international mediation institute are from Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and other places, Hong Kong should rely on its own network to do more promotion in Europe and the United States, strive for more recognition in Europe and the United States, and choose Hong Kong as a mediation mediation as a mediation