Officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region believe that in Article 23 of the Basic Law, the crime of stolen national confidentiality will not increase the pressure of civil servants. It also emphasizes that civil servants comment on government policies in private occasions and have no gold medal for death.

Yang Hebein, director of the Civil Service Bureau, said in the interview content published on Thursday (February 15), the website of the Hong Kong Commercial Radio, saying that civil servants have always adhered to the principle of confidentiality, and can only use due to work within the scope of approval.The confidential information obtained does not think that civil servants are worried about 23 articles.

Yang He Beiyin said: "Civil servants have always had confidentiality requirements, and they are also used to obeying this requirement. They are also aware of observing this requirement.Be careful.The crimes related to "stealing national secrets" are revised to revise the existing official secret regulations; replaced the "civil servant" with the term "public officials" and adjust the relevant definitions moderately to cover the possibility of more likely to obtain or manage state secrets.High personnel.

Yang Hebein also said that it will announce the finalization of the rules of civil servants as soon as possible.Regarding the attention of civil service groups, the trade union strives for salary and benefits, and expresses dissatisfaction with the policy on social networking sites with civil servants, and whether it will violate civil servants' rules.The more careful.