China and Singapore will be exempted from each other from February 9th. Hong Kong media issued a statement saying that tourists from mainland China are easier to Singapore than to Hong Kong.

Sing Tao Daily published a comment article on September (February 3) Ji Xiaohua pointed out that many mainland Chinese people spit out and go abroad to Singapore to go away. Hong Kong has returned to China for 26 years.Instead, you need to apply for a pass.

The article wrote that in that year, because of the concerns of the influx of mainland residents after 1997, and disrupting the economic and social order in Hong Kong, Article 22 of the Basic Law specifically stipulated that "people in other parts of China must go through the approval procedures in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region who enter the Special Economic Zone of Hong Kong."" ".

The article quotes Liu Yadong, dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Nankai University, pointed out that after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the issue of national security has been largely eliminated.The frequent outbreaks of riots in the past few years have also greatly reduced Hong Kong's attractiveness to mainland tourists. Is it necessary for Hong Kong to worry too much?

The article states that in the long run, it should gradually promote the visa for the mainland to go to Hong Kong.Both Lugang can open out and exit measures to foreigners, and they should start with each other and enjoy the convenience of opening up.

The Chinese government and the Singapore government representatives signed the government of the People's Republic of China on January 25EssenceThe two parties holding ordinary passports can be exempted from visa -free entry to the other country to engage in private affairs such as tourism, relatives, business, etc., and stay for no more than 30 days.