Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that 2024 will be a year for Hong Kong to fight for the economy and actively benefit people's livelihood.

Li Jiachao posted on the Bauhinia magazine on the eve of New Year's Day (December 31) to make the above statements.

He said, if it is said that 2023 is a year when the epidemic is fully recovered and rushed to catch up; then 2024 will be a year when he strives for economy, accelerate development, and actively benefit people's livelihood.

Li Jiachao pointed out that looking around the world, the surrounding environment is still complicated, geopolitical conflicts continue, and the economic downward pressure has increased.The momentum of recovery is positive and encouraged.He made four hopes for the new year.

He said, first of all, he insisted on implementing the "one country, two systems" and continuously maintaining national security.Article 23 of the Basic Law gives the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's constitutional responsibility, and legislation prohibit behaviors and activities that endanger national security.The Hong Kong Government is trying to complete the local legislation in 2024, unite relevant laws with the Hong Kong National Security Law, become a legal system that effectively maintains national security, establish a strong protective shield, and laid the most solid foundation for Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

Li Jiachao mentioned that secondly, we must adhere to the improvement of the governance system and continue to improve the effectiveness of governance.The Hong Kong Government will implement a constant exchange mechanism with the representatives of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District and the members of the CPPCC National Committee of the Hong Kong District, and absorb the valuable opinions of the representatives of the Hong Kong government of all patriotic and love Hong Kong.As the new district council is put into operation on January 1, 2024, he hopes that he will serve as a civil affairs commissioner for the chairman of the district councils in the new district council to better coordinate the district council, three regional committees and the "love team", Jointly enhance regional governance efficiency, better serve the community, and respond to the needs of citizens.

He pointed out that thirdly, we must persist in resolving the people's livelihood and continue to enhance development momentum.The Hong Kong Government actively implements measures, speed up, efficiency, and quality improvement measures for the supply of public houses, and has achieved a number of major progress, including the average waiting time of public housing from the peak of about six years, and the comprehensive waiting time gradually to 2026 to 27 to 27The target movement of the year to 4.5 years, and the early stages of the public housing unit allowed applicants to go upstairs early and quickly start the "Minimal Public House" project to order about 2,100 units to complete from 2024 to 25 years.

Li Jiachao said that the demand for public housing in the next 10 years will be 300,000 units. The Hong Kong government has found land and can build about 410,000 public housing units.Shorten the waiting time for upstairs.

Li Jiachao finally wrote that we must persist in consolidating existing advantages and continue to integrate into the development of the country.Under the strong backing of the country, he will lead the team to continue to make full use of the unique advantages of Hong Kong under the "one country, two systems", not only strive to consolidate its advantages, actively discover new growth points, and fully connect with the national strategy of the Greater Bay Area.