Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao asks the new district councilor to do a good job in the upper and lower affection, and give full play to the role of the bridge between the Hong Kong government and the residents.

According to the Hong Kong Government News Communist Party, Li Jiachao made the above statements when he attended the ritual of the seventh district Council ’s district members on Monday (January 1).

Li Jiachao said that improving the regional governance system to implement the principle of "Patriot Governance Hong Kong" to all levels of Hong Kong governance.The new district parliament is no longer politicized, no longer subverts and destruction, no longer betrayed Hong Kong and betrayed the country, but is more professional, more focused on regional affairs, and can represent communities and residents.District Council.

He pointed out that district councilors after improving the regional governance system should do practical things for regional governance, cooperate with and implement government policies, and at the same time reflect regional opinions, make suggestions, promote the development of society, and use actual performance and actual performance andThe results benefit the citizens.He therefore made four requirements for the new district councilors.

Li Jiachao said that the new district members must first fulfill their vows in accordance with the law, sincerely support the Hong Kong Basic Law and loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and keep in mind that they must be loyal to their duties and integrity.And positioning, fully practice as the responsibility of the non -political regional organization, and accept the consultation of Hong Kong Government on regional management such as regional management.

Li Jiachao pointed out, secondly, the new district members must do a good job of "getting up and down, reported on the report", and play a role in the bridge between the Hong Kong government and the residents.District councilors should focus on serving residents, focusing on the community residents' general affairs, understanding their anxiety, helping to solve daily practical problems, and using a bit of actual actions to return to the trust and support of the majority of residents.Essence

He said that third, the new district councilor must implement the principle of "patriotic governance" to the regional governance level, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining national security.As a member of the grass -roots governance, the district councilor will swore to support the Basic Law. It must work together to support Article 23 of the Basic Law, support and cooperate with the Hong Kong government to complete this constitutional responsibility, and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism of Hong Kong to maintain national security.

Li Jiachao finally emphasized that the new district councilor must be centered on citizens to bring substantial improvement to community life.District councilors should be responsible, performing responsibilities, respond to citizens' entrustment, and solve different issues of regional problems for citizens.

He pointed out that the new district council introduced the supervision mechanism of duties to allow citizens to continue to exercise the right to supervision during the term of office of the district.The mechanism further strengthens the accountability of district councilors, increases the transparency of the district council, and ensure that district councilors can fulfill their duties and serve the people, and hand over actual work.District councilors must fulfill their duties, pay attention to personal words and deeds, do their responsibilities, abide by the guidelines and the tasks and work indicators assigned by the chairman of the District Council, help residents to solve problems and live up to the expectations of citizens.