China's new Ningbo to Jinhua Railway (Yongjin Railway) opened operations on the last day of 2023, connecting Yiwu, the world's largest port Ningbo Zhoushan Port and the world's small commodities.

Comprehensive China News Agency and Zhejiang Online reported that at 8:20 am on Sunday (December 31), the C695 train opened from Ningbo Station and arrived at Jinhua at 11:23.On the same day at 11:50 am, the C696 train will be driven from Jinhua Station and arrived at Ningbo at 14:53.

The core function of this line is freight, which will undertake a large amount of supply between the transportation between Zhoushan Port and Yiwu.

The Golden Gold Railway starts from Yunlong Station of Yunzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province.The city, connected to Yiwu Station, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province.Nine stations are set up across the board, with a drive of about 3 hours and a speed of 160 kilometers during driving. It is currently the highest standard freight train at the current highest standard in China.

In the early days of the operation of the Yongjin Railway, a pair of driving power centralized EMU trains planned to drive.After the implementation of the train operation diagram in the first quarter of 2024, it plans to operate four pairs of cargo trains and 2 pairs of power centralized EMU trains, and will be dynamically optimized according to market transportation demand to adjust the train running plan.

According to Wang Jinping, the general manager of Zhejiang Tencent International Logistics Co., Ltd., which is located in Yiwu, before, the container was mainly transported to Ningbo Zhoushan Port through the highway, and the logistics cost was high.Through the Jinjin Railway, the transportation cost will decrease by about 40%, which will become the main channel for the "thin profit -making" Yiwu small commodity export channel.