The Chinese Embassy in the UK urges the British government to arrest Zhong Hanlin, a convener before the "student dynamic source" of pro -Hong Kong independence organizations, and repatriated him to Hong Kong.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the UK Friday (December 29) on the official website on the official website "Hong Kong Independence" Mentacle Zhong Hanlin Em who sovered to the British to answer the reporter and responded above.

The spokesman emphasized that Hong Kong is a social rule of law, law enforcement must be strict, and illegal law must be investigated.It is futile to try to escape legal responsibility and will be investigated in accordance with the law.

The spokesman pointed out that Zhong Hanlin violated the regulatory order and absconded the UK. The Hong Kong Correctional Office has issued a recall order and wanted it to be wanted in accordance with the law."We urge the British side to argue and return to Hong Kong as soon as possible."

Zhong Hanlin promoted "Hong Kong independence" on social platforms in 2021, and also sold game cards online and printed with Hong Kong independent objectives on the Internet to promote its concepts.The PayPal account connected to receive audience funding, and the account involved in the case was charged more than 135,000 Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 22,843), and was accused of violating the National Security Law of Hong Kong.He acknowledged the crime of splitting the country and money laundering, and was sentenced to 43 months in the regional court.

Zhong Hanlin must be released after being released in June this year, and he must accept a year of regulatory order. Later, he applied for approval to travel to Okinawa in Japan. During his period, he decided to go to Britain to seek political asylum.