Former Hong Kong Branch Federation Chairman Li Zhuoren's aunt Deng Yanli acknowledged that it hindered judicial justice and would be returned to the judgment.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media such as Sing Tao Daily and Dongwang reported that the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Department arrested Li Zhuoren's wife Deng Yan'e, who arrested Li Zhuoren in March this year for suspected violations of the Hong Kong National Security Law.Before the family search, he took away evidence related to the murmuring foreign or overseas forces that endanger national security cases, including computers and telephones, trying to hinder the investigation.

Deng Yanli was charged with a crime of obstructing judicial justice. The case on Thursday (December 7) in the Western Kowloon Magistrate Court.Deng Yanli pleaded guilty, and the judge ruled that Deng Yanli thought of committing the crime and the imprisonment was unavoidable, so she decided to let her continue to pay off and be sentenced on December 21.

According to the case, on March 9 this year, Deng Yan'e was arrested by the Hong Kong Police National Security Department for alleged collusion with foreign or overseas forces.At that time, Li went to the police to search for the police in Mobil's unit.At 4.52 pm, Deng Yan'e was escorted by the police to the unit, and Deng Yanli entered the electronic door lock.

But after the police investigation, it was found that Deng Yanli entered the above unit twice before the police arrived. CCTV showed that Deng Yanli reached the unit floor at 2:24 pm for 69 minutes;Back to the unit floor and stay for 41 minutes.Police suspected that Deng Yanli inspected the evidence and arrested her on March 11. He warned Deng Yanli to admit that she was arrested for being arrested, so she went to the unit to take Deng Yan'e's mobile phone and laptop.After testing, the telephone and the computer have Deng Yan'e's letters to my husband, family pictures, etc.

The defense called for himself that Deng Yanli received a master's degree in social work in 1987 and served the Hong Kong community throughout his life.The above behavior is just a matter of protecting the sister. It is not premeditated or intended to destroy evidence. The computer only involves simple personal information. No information in the case is not pointed out that any information is directly related to investigating Deng Yan'e.