Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said that civil servants, as the backbone of the government, are responsible for supporting the district council election.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Li Jiachao delivered a speech on Sunday (December 3) at the event of "Civil Servant's Support Area Election Family Day".Essence"Recall that we have gone through the 2019 'Black Storm' and the Hong Kong Edition 'Color Revolution'. Hong Kong has experienced very difficult and difficult periods. Under improving the election system, the current last mile project is to improve regional governance."

Li Jiachao said that it is important to choose a district councilor who think it can help, because everyone's pursuit or what needs to be handled is different. Some hope to deal with noise, some hope to deal with hygiene problems, and some hope to deal with facilities.question."It can help your district councilor rely on your vote."

Li Jiachao emphasized that the selection of civil servants' support for the region is more significant.First, civil servants, as the backbone of the government, this time to improve the district council system is an important policy launched by the government. Civil servants have the responsibility to support and implement it.Second, civil servants, as representatives of social exercise of citizenship, should vote as an example, exercise citizen responsibilities, and take the lead.Third, the district councilors who are selected by the election make the residents meet their own requirements.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, for online civil servants' elections in the district council, not voting will be punished and violated the law.It is not to supervise civil servants vote, nor will they punish civil servants who do not vote.

Chen Guoji emphasized that the news of the Internet is fake news, which is provoking the separation civil servant group, thereby destroying Hong Kong.You must be careful about these soft confrontations, and he will also transfer to the law enforcement department to follow up.

When asked if civil servants who did not punish them would affect their promotion, Chen Guoji reiterated that civil servants have double responsibilities. One is citizenship responsibility, and the second is that the district selection is a very important work of the government.As a civil servant, it is certainly to support the government's work, but it is impossible to supervise whether each civil servant has voted. If you are uncomfortable, you cannot vote and will not be punished.

Chen Guoji said that officials only encourage and hope that every civil servant will vote. There is no punishment mechanism, nor will it affect the promotion of civil servants. I believe that civil servants' groups have no pressure.