The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced that the first new generation of XBB crown vaccines have arrived in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Government issued a newsletter on Thursday (November 30) to make the above announcement.

According to the communiqué, the first batch of about 100,000 doses of a new generation of XBB mutant derivatives enable ribonate omicron xbb.1.5 30mcg/dose to arrive in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Government personnel have immediately checked and checked in accordance with the established procedures to ensure that the vaccine meets the product specifications and related cold chain transportation standards, and has put the vaccine in an ultra -low temperature refrigerated cabinet for verified.The specified temperature is properly preserved.

The vaccine of the Hong Kong Department of Health's Health Protection Center can prevent the Disease Science Committee and the New Discovery and Animal Infectious Diseases Committee (Joint Science Committee) at the meeting on October 11 to discuss the new generation of XBB mutant strainsThe use of messenger ribosic acid vaccine believes that the XBB vaccine can provide better protection.

Due to the limited supply of XBB vaccines in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government will arrange for high -risk people to take over in batches.The first new generation of XBB mutant letters enable ribonucleic acid vaccines to provide priority to high -risk people, namely people who live in the hospital and 65 years old or above.The details of the vaccination arrangement will be announced early next month.