The China Manned Aerospace Engineering Troupe ended the four -day visit to Hong Kong on Friday (December 1) and transferred to Macau.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said at the farewell ceremony that this visit made Hong Kong citizens deeply feel that the Chinese have a firm determination to strive to achieve the aerospace dream. He and the citizens also expect to realize the dream of Hong Kong -produced spacemen.

The comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Ming Pao reported that the China Manned Aerospace Engineering delegation launched a four -day visit to Hong Kong on Tuesday (November 28).The delegation boarded the Kaisou bus on the Kaisou bus on Tsim Sha Tsui on Friday morning, and then visited the Forbidden City of Hong Kong.On the afternoon, the delegation went to the farewell ceremony held by the Hong Kong Government in the Gongfu Mansion, and then set off to Macau.

Li Jiachao entered the venue with the members of the delegation. Everyone first appreciates the essence of the delegation for four days to visit Hong Kong.Lin Xiqiang, head of the delegation and deputy director of the China Manned Aerospace Engineering Office.

According to the news bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Government, Li Jiachao said in his speech that the members of the Aerospace Engineering delegation "landed" on the land of Hong Kong this time and broadcast three important seeds.The first is the seeds that enhance national pride. Through the appearance of astronauts, they show the development and brilliant achievements of the Chinese manned aerospace project over the past 30 years.

Li Jiachao said that the second one is the seed of exploring science and technology.The sharing of astronauts has burned many young people in Hong Kong for aerospace technology and even the enthusiasm of scientific exploration.The third is the seeds that encourage chasing dreams.The delegation shows to the Hong Kong society is the willingness to forge ahead, be courageous, and stronger.On the surface, it is more shining and prominent.

Li Jiachao also said that he liked Lin Xiqiang, head of the delegation, said that the manned aerospace project will continue to create more exciting with Hong Kong compatriots in the future."Both Hong Kong citizens and I have eagerly hoped that our 'Hong Kong -produced spacemen' dreams can be realized."