中国总理李强承诺,中国将以实际行动促进The larger scope, higher levels and deeper cooperation are open, including the active expansion of imports, further relaxation of market access, and implementing relevant policies such as comprehensive cancellation of foreign investment restrictions in the manufacturing industry.

Li Qiang on Sunday (November 5) attended the opening ceremony of the 6th China International Import Expo held in Shanghai in the morning, and delivered a keynote speech.He pointed out that this year is the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. "No matter how the world changes in the world in 45 years, China's opening up has never paused, and the determination to share development opportunities with the world has never changed."

In a 20 -minute speech, Li Qiang explained how China will promote cooperation and opening up from the four aspects of market opportunities, rules, innovation power, and tolerance and sharing, and make greater contributions to the world economic recovery and global development.

He also disclosed that in order to better play the important role of Shanghai's opening to China, the official will soon introduce the overall plan to comprehensively connect the international high -standard economic and trade rules, and promote the high -level institutional opening of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, andConstruction of Silk Road e -commerce cooperation in Shanghai.

The 6th China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th.This year, 3,486 companies in 128 countries and regions participated in the enterprise exhibition.