A magnitude 4.3 earthquake occurred in Enping, Guangdong, China. Experts said that the possibility of high -intensity earthquakes is relatively low in the near future.

According to China News Service, Wang Liwei, deputy director of the Guangdong Earthquake Terrace, said on Sunday (November 5) that the earthquake area is located on the Cangcheng -Hailing Fracture Belt, and there is a geological activity with a broken belt.Direct relationship.However, the observation data shows that the Cangcheng -Hailing broken belt is currently not active. The last active period was traced back to 300,000 years ago.

Wang Liwei analyzed that the possibility of secondary disasters caused by the earthquake.According to previous experience judgments, there are very few cases of severe secondary disasters below levels below level 5; at the same time, the aftershocks of the aftershocks after this earthquake are five times, and the number of times is not large.The possibility of larger earthquakes in the original earthquake zone in recent days.

Wang Liwei said that Guangdong is located in the southeast coastal earthquake belt and is a relatively active earthquake province. This year, the province has experienced 13 or more earthquakes above the 3.0 or above.There will be broken bands, Shawu broken bands in Heyuan, and Chaozhou Shanwei broken belt.

Wang Liwei said that since the Cangwu earthquake in 2016, the earthquake activities in Guangdong have been strengthened, but overall is still in normal scope.In addition, Guangdong is located in the coast, with strong earthquakes in the sea area and the possibility of the province.

A magnitude 4.3 earthquake occurred on Saturday (November 4th), which was managed by Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China, and a magnitude 4.3 earthquake occurred at 7.24 pm. Shenzhen, Foshan, Zhongshan and other places all had a sense of earthquake.