Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday (November 5) to the China International Import Expo, hoping that the Expo will make the Chinese market a large market for the world.

According to China CCTV News, Xi Jinping said that since 2018, the Expo has successfully held the five sessions. Relying on the advantages of China's large market, the functions of international procurement, investment promotion, humanities exchange, and open cooperation platform functions.It has made positive contributions to accelerating the establishment of a new development pattern and promoting the development of the world economy.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the current power of the world economic recovery is insufficient and requires all countries to help with each other and seek common development.China will always be an important opportunity for the development of the world. It will firmly promote high -level openness and continue to promote economic globalization towards the direction of more open, tolerance, inclusive, balanced, and win -win.

He also said that he hopes that the Expo will accelerate the window function of building a new development pattern, and provide new opportunities for the world with the new development of China; give full play to the role of high -level open platforms and make the large market in China a large market become a large market in China.The big market shared by the world; better provide global public product services that are shared, helping promote the establishment of an open world economy, and allowing cooperation to benefit the world a win -win situation.

The 6th Expo was held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th.Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang will attend the opening ceremony on the morning of the 5th and give a keynote speech.This is also the first time that the State Council's premier instead of the State Chairman has delivered a keynote speech since the Expo was held in 2018.

Hong Kong South China Morning Post quoted people familiar with the matter earlier that the United States will send the highest specifications in the history of the United States to attend the China International Import Expo.

Singapore's Federation of Industry and Commerce (SBF) led 56 Singaporean companies to participate in the Expo this year, about 40 % of them participated in the exhibition for the first time.